Thursday, October 3, 2024

Frugalness done (since I am not sleeping)

 Hubby replaced some of the oil lamp wicks and filled all the lamps. E paid for our oil because Hubby pulled his wood wagon out of the ditch the other night. Horses slide on the wet payment the wagon went off the edge and down the ditch. It's not got a good berm in that area. 

E and his oldest son started replacing the wood shed roof. Got half done before the hurricane winds and rain came through (in Ohio so not as bad as down south). E told Hubby where to get the metal roofing from and it was half of what Hubby had priced at the lumber yard. They got some work to finish up (the kind that pays the bills) and then they will finish it. Wouldn't take any money for  it because we let them cut ice for their entire family from our pond for their ice houses and make blocks of ice in our freezer so they can make ice cream. 

The furnace is on only at night and at 70. It's too warm during the day to start the wood stove.We have 20% more propane in the tank than we did this time last year. Most likely to go to wood stove mid month. Right now the nights are cool enough but the days are in 70s so the house warms up.  

 We cleaned 10 more beds in the gardens. Only 8 more to go. I canned another 5 qrts of tomato sauce. I mentioned to Son2 that I had over a year's amount and wasn't sure where I could put what was coming in as ALL my shelves are full. He suggested in the corner of the pantry where the wood smoker chips used to be  and put the sauce jars back in canning jar boxes. I put a board down (I don't put jars on cement) and made sure the box would fit.  He mentioned he might need groceries as the medical bills are horrible. His fiancee has lousy insurance but it comes with her job. I would not be surprised if they move up when they are getting married as they were looking at a year from now just because of medical bills. 

I got the comparison for my part D... Wellcare. Still the best for me. 

Will be doing Hubby's today as he got frustrated with it and decided I could handle it (I usually do LOL)

We will continue with AARP medigap and Medicare as it was really good for us.

Front room has been deep cleaned and the winter curtains and throw blankets (I don't think we will use them with the wood stove) are in it. 

Hubby put a shelf up over his hanging clothes in bathroom for his Ham Radio odds and ends which was taking a good chunk of the floor and making it hard to sweep the floor. I also moved the garden seeds to south loft where I store them during the winter. I will finish sorting them during the winter. That cleared the one small table (used to be my desk with no drawers). Since Hubby moved his Ham radio extras stuff I was able to move the printer and table down enough for the hamper to put the extra furniture covers and throws in it and it not be in front of a window. I moved Daddy's chair to the bedroom and moved Mother's rocker from bedroom to front room.  Charlotte sleeps in both. Rocker took up less room so I could move my glider over and we brought in a barrel?pot? hummm think pot for a 5 yr old fruit tree... filled with odds and ends of wood for small fires or just to pop the heat up some to sit where the glider was. Then I was able to put the small stand that holds the ash bucket and welder sleeves (so we don't burn our arms as Hubby has little feeling in his forearms and legs) at the end of his desk where the glider was. Now we have plenty of room for the 3 racks we have for wood in house.  He did bring some up to the front porch for in case we need it before next week. We plan to load more of the wood inside and on front porch this week. 

I went through the meds, personal items, cleaning products including ridx for septic tank, paper goods, dog items, nonfood (foil, bags etc) and rechecked the inventory list of food. I need canned mushrooms.  I do buy fresh once a month but I use a lot of the canned kind the rest of the month. I checked my yeast in the freezer and my flours . I was low on dental sticks for Charlotte so I ordered them. Ordered the ridx pods, meds and bandages also. The rest is good for a year or longer. I don't think we will need filters for the humidifers

I made 5 gallons of laundry soap and then used part of it to scrub some rubbermaids that Hubby was given that were filthy. He is using them in the barn.

I checked to make sure we had the savings where we need it (always want more) and the budget is on target.  We start this month on the new budget. 

Prayers for 2 family members

 Nephew who had a double lung transplant 5 yrs ago is having issues. Tests have been ran and they are waiting for results. Has to go in 3 days in a row for steroid infusion treatment. Not sure if he has picked up an infection or if his body is now rejecting the lungs. At least OSU is making arrangements for the local hospital to do the treatments so they don't have to drive 2 1/2 hrs to do that and then pay for motel.

Son2's fiancee's 5 yr old austic son was in a car accident with his grandparents. Grandparents are recovering at home, he is in hospital with a brain bleed from hitting his head on the Ipad he was reading during the accident. Also has whiplash so a bruise on the brain on the back of brain also but it's not bleeding. Going in to surgery this morning. Because the entire family including Son2 just had covid (test negative now) only his mother can be with him and she can't even meet them in parking lot. Hospital has rule no visitors that had covid in last 30 days. So she is there with no support. Their internet sucks(which means she is off work as she works from home) and you can't get much signal on cell phone. Limited usuage of room phone is set by hours the child is supposed to be sleeping. SIGH.