Thursday, October 10, 2024

Saving money

 As tempting as it is to wipe out the savings and pay the truck repair and new hearing aids... I told Hubby I would try to just crunch the budget and see how much I can scrape up before pulling the savings. We will put it on a credit card  for the points and some time before it's due.

The furnace is on from 9 pm to 7 am at 72℉. From 7 AM to 9 PM it is off. We have used 1% of our propane for 3 wks. Hubby isn't going to turn on the pump house heater until it drops to 33 ℉. Right now the temperature in it is 57 ℉.  We used 20% less propane than we did last year. We will start the wood stove this weekend. 

We used Good RX Gold to cover medication that is tier 3 and tier 4 on our regular Part D. When the lady checking us out saw the cost of my one med her eyes widened, $389. Her mouth dropped open when she put the Good Rx number in and $29.99 was the costs. She decided to enroll her parents when she got home.  Between both our meds we saved $401.00 I moved that amount to savings I put back for medical as our Good RX Gold membership is due next month.

We got our eyes checked at Walmart, cheapest around here. Neither of us needed new glasses and I had found 3 sets in computer case I used to take to Son2's when he was going to Annual Training that I can't remember when I got them, must be over 7 yrs ago as Walmart didn't have them on my record but they are close enough to what I wear now I can use them also. She put stickies on the cases so I would know what was for computer and what was for reading. I used the credit card to pay for it even though that money is sitting in checking so I could get the points.

I used my points on credit cards to pay towards the card bill saving total of $22.00. 

Hubby needed some odds and ends from Amazon. I used my points to pay for it that was on my Amazon card.

Hubby got fuel at Kroger's. He had put the gas cans in the bed of the truck. Using my points from Kroger's and my Kroger credit card, he saved 75¢per gallon. That was $15.00 savings.

I didn't go to the store for anything. We will need milk. 

Hubby put his brake sensor repair and his oil change on his credit card. Called and asked me which one got the best points. LOL. 

I got a medical bill so paid it, then they came back and told me that they didn't catch that I had medigap and it paid it so they refunded my money to my credit card. Should cover the Advent candles I just ordered. 

I did comparison of what we have for Part D. We use AARP Medigap. I will be staying with WellCare. Hubby is changing to WellCare from Aetna as they increased from $5.30 to over $40. So that will be changed after Oct 15th.

I am off all of my prescription meds except 1 due to really bad side effects. One I was taking for bone health, it actually causes bones to break. My doctor was flipping over that news.  I am not saving there as my meds costs me nothing but I am not taking OTC meds for the pain that was being caused so I am saving on that part.

Charlotte in wanting me to go out with her. 
Prayers prayers and more prayers.

Blessed be

update on 2 of family and what we got done.

 Nephew was on antibotics for a week, now on day 2 of 3 days of IV steroids. In Nov they will check his lungs  to see if it's infection or if he is rejecting his transplant lungs.

5 yr Old is son 2's finacee son. He has had 3 seizures and a very light stroke. Went back into surgery late last night for the 3rd time, was back in ICU afterwards. Now he is coming off sedation very slowly but has started running a fever so they are worried he has sepsis since he had covid/flu/pneumonia 10 days before the accident. I talked to financee on the phone. She thanked us for helping her financially as we paid 2 copays for testing and sent her money so she can eat since she is stuck in the hospital. If she leaves she can't come back. She choose a cheap Affordable care plan and didn't think about it requiring her to pay co pay for all testing. Son2 is covering her cell phone and her car insurance and some of the testing. She is self employed. She is thankful. She was crying when she started talking to me but laughing when she hung up. She was passing nephew's name to the hospital preacher when he came in. A friend asked their preacher to also check on her and VA requested on Son's behalf that a local chaplain check on her. They can get in ICU if not been sick where we can't even though we haven't been sick. Son2 also was sick when grandson to be was sick and he is off work on medical. Hopes to get cleared today to go back to work (Finacee and us to as he is bored and driving everyone crazy).

We got the softener salt delivered. Should have enough salt to get us to spring. I told the guy he was our last fill for winter and he laughed and said he was taking his load home also and it was his as the wood is in. He has family in Tampa, St Pete  and Clearwater. Son 2 's friend has parents in Tampa and couldn't get out (needed ambulance to transport). They wrote their names, birthdays and next of kin phone number on their bodies so if they didn't make it, they still could be ID'd. Just makes me want to cry.

I canned 3 quarts of tomato juice from the bed we cleared the other day and the table at barn where tomatoes are finishing ripening. 

I filled the night time wood rack in house. Hubby finished spliting some night time wood so instead of taking to wood shed and then moving again, he just put it in the rack on front porch. So that rack is half full.

I filled one of the two wood racks for day wood (lighter weight, doesn't last as long as night wood) filled a 5 gallon bucket with small limbs Hubby cut up and filled a old plastic dish washing tub with scab wood that was mostly bark.

We will finish filling the racks today or tomorrow as we are expecting a scattered frost this morning and a good solid frost (might be killing frost) on Sunday morning.  So gardens will be finish being cleared by then unless I cover the bell peppers. Because it's messy to clear half frosted tomatoes plants.

I finished dehydrating the basil so I have enough for the year. 

Hubby turned 66 yesterday. He spent the morning getting the short in brake light fixed at dealership, got oil change etc. Decided to have them go over everything since winter was coming up soon. Good thing he did as the steering linkage (what turns the front wheels) was in need of replacement $4500... better to have found it before it broke when he was driving even though that is an OUCH on the finances. It's safe to drive for a bit. He scheduled it for the 16th. They should have all the parts in by then.

Then he went to get his hearing aids cleaned and tweaked as they were beeping in his ears... He needs to replace them by the end of the year as they are over 4 yrs old and are not staying charged more than 8 hours. $4200.... seems to be the magic number of OUCHs.

I will be going over the budget today, paying bills and figuring out next year's budget. 

Prayers Prayers and more Prayers

Blessed be