Thursday, October 24, 2024

GOD give me strength ..frugal moments

 5 yr old is still in hospital, not waking up, bounces from one issue to the next. Everyone on this side is now broke trying to pay copays (horrible insurance that she thought would save her money and she is broke ). Now the hospital wants to try things that the insurance will not pay for as it is experiental WHICH MEANS they want her to pay for it completely... like she hasn't worked in a month and you think she has money?. Son2 had a friend have that procedure and said to not go that route. Does not help that Son 2 is off work, on medical for mental illness, is to go back to work on Monday, and his finacee is by herself with 5 yr old in ICU. She's struggling to hold on herself. And he is off the walls because this isn't what he signed up for (please God give me strength to not reach through the phone and nail his butt) Give me strength for those middle to the night calls, thinking someone died , my heart jumps and my soul shutters but it's just the boy as we call son2 complaining about life.

Nephew has one more test in Nov. to see if he is rejecting his lung transplants. 

Hubby's uncle had a heart attack, now back home and on meds but family is checking on him as he lives alone.

Sister of my heart has a family member in for heart troubles and will be driving 3 hrs to see a cardologist. And we thought 90 minutes for a doctor was bad.

E went with his parents and sibling with her hubby with infant to Mexico for his Dad's surgery. We got a call about 8 hrs after he left, landslide happened and they were sitting in Chicago. Tracks are blocked, hospital said they will work him in when he gets there..His family is checking in with us daily to see if we have an update.

Hubby's truck needed front linkage (helps you steer) $4200

Hubby's hearing aids are needing replaced as the doctor is now limping them along$4500 *better than the $7000 Son 2 just spent for his replacement.

The garden beds are cleaned. I am planting garlic that came in. Hubby started putting the new beds together so when we can buy raised bed garden soil we can put them in the gardens.

I have tomatoes ripening on the table in barn. I don't need any more of tomato stuff so I am just canning it as juice. I have pumpkins waiting in the barn also.

The vegopod needs harvested and possible replanted

I still need to clean up the berry patch but if I don't get to it, it's okay as long as I get it done by Feb. when I do the pruning anyways.

The mums and 4 hanging pots are still doing good.We were given a small mum  as M said they kept forgetting to water it since they are not use to having anything in pots. 

All the wood is in for this year and we have a good solid week's worth in house and on porch.Hubby has 5 trees down that E helped take down that he can start cutting off limbs etc to cut for next year's wood. Temps are bouncing, might get a warm day and tomorrow be cold and back to warm the next day so we are using the furnance. 

I filled the low items in pantry from my stock. Had 3 pastas needed to buy as I was almost out of that type. Was completely out of condensed milk and evaporated milk . Got those on sale (figured it was going to be a wait until on sale thing). IF I find chocolate condense milk , we use it to make fudge.

Hubby used my Kroger's points for diesel. Saved $1/ gal.

I saved $54.50 on groceries, I plan on using my shelf stable milk so we won't be going after milk in two weeks. Even with the stock up of pasta and canned milks I came in under the budget for this month with groceries. I bought eggs from Amish so I know where they come from. 

Charlotte now has to get in the front seat of the Silverado for rides as Hubby broke the handle to the back seat door. Too much rust to replace. 

We know we will have 2 increases on property tax, I will be surprised if the new replacement tax and the new additional one doesn't pass since its' to help disabled kids. My Mortgage company gave us a ballpark figure of what it would cost if it passes so I set the budget for that.Figured if it doesn't pass I will still put that extra on the mortgage. I will be redoing the budget to put in the tax increase, hearing aids and rebuilding the savings from paying the truck repair.

I still need to do the deep cleaning.I have been decluttering. 
All the winter curtians are up. I need to flip summer bedding for winter in the 4 lofts. I already did mine and the furniture throws. Hubby moved his bipap to the desk and is now sleeping in the recliner of the couch. Found I was right that the desk keeps the heat from the wood stove off him so he doesn't get so hot. I also put a rotating fan across the room so if he needs it on he can just turn it on,

I bought a new lamp so I can sit and read in the front room. Hubby likes it better than what he has at his desk. He worked a couple days hauling beans for Amish so gave me the earnings to buy his the same type of lamp. I can then take his old lamp up to the sewing area as I have been making due with the poor lighting in that area. 

Have a blessed day and a good night's sleep.