We have been eating from the pantry mostly all this month.
I have changed my shopping to focus on using coupons with sales or mark downs. I have now started my routine "route" in the store at the clearance rack that is on the far side of the store.
I have a friend that is making me a grocery price sheet (he calls it a data base)that will also show me lowest paid and then will allow me to use it to make a running inventory of the pantry etc with a possible buy on sale and need to buy now spot on it for my grocery list. He is getting ready to retire in the next year and is looking at doing this kind of thing for individuals . Works for both of us.
I have dehydrated the last of the eggs except for what we will use in the next month, if needed I will dehydrate more so we don't lose them. I used the dehydrated ones in my baking this week.
I've used mostly of what we have at home for fighting this sickies that we have been battling. I know I will have to be checking coupons and sales to replace what we have used up.
My doctor wanted me to see a specialist for nutrition other than the one that is local and Free for us, our ins would not pay it and the costs was hundreds. So the FREE nutritionist contacted the one the doctor wanted me to see and they suggested a study course. It usually runs around $500....that was on sale online for 50% off.Another nutritionist just happened to have the catalog with the code for 80% off and then I got additional 20% off the total because I ordered more than one course and it totaled over $100. I ordered courses (not covered by ins) that my two doctors have been wanting me to change my lifestyle to. Works better for me because now I don't have to drive 1 hr each way for the classes AND I have a DVD and book that I can use, not just a 4 week class of twice a week. I used the money we saved from eating from the pantry to pay for it.
I ordered the seeds I need for this year using sales and coupons. I have some of the lettuce seeds I gathered last year to replant this year.
Blessed Be
From My Home to Yours: 3/7/25
From My Home to Yours3/7/25~ join us for a morning in the kitchen ~One
morning this week I was in the kitchen for the purpose of trying out a new
to me g...
5 days ago
I try to make a few casseroles or dishes ahead for when I might be ill. Husband only fries eggs and boils hot dogs (kosher beef, which is pricey as heck but still hot dogs). He thinks a PBJ sandwich has all the nutrition one needs so isn't keen on adding any other foods to his repertoire, lol. Back in May, I cooked almost three weeks worth of meals for my daughter who was due late in the month. I ended up in the hospital the day after her baby was born and when I came home ten days later those prepared meals were mighty handy! I didn't use them all, still managed to send her a bit better than a week's worth but it taught me the blessing of being prepared, even if I was preparing for someone else to be incapacitated!