Saturday, May 25, 2024

Life just rolling on

 Here is the pond in January 

Here it is now,in fact E's youngest brother took his kids fishing and caught 45 fish, on the small side but big enough for his young family

We have two grass carps.

E said they were between 25- 30  lbs. He's lost a line or two trying to catch one of them

We had a turtle (didn't know we had one) that laid eggs.

Hubby put some posts around it and then ran a rope so we wouldn't step on where the turtle laid them.

We have had some storms (not tornadoes) run through. Twice ended up with water in basement. Hubby started looking at all the drainage tile and found 2 plugged and one running the wrong angle that he corrected. We have 2 other tiles he will have to check also. Lucky we actually had kept some "field" tile so didn't have to buy anything just spend the time digging it up (used tractor back hoe) and then putting the dirt/gravel back in after dealing with the issue. We got hail this last storm.

Hubby was mowing around the asparagus and found lettuce... we did NOT plant lettuce any where close to asparagus LOL.

My perennal heart garden did not do well with this past winter. I only had 1 plant survive. I found several perennial plants on clearance at Lowes so replanted.

stay safe, prayers for peace and sanity

Blessed Be


  1. The pond sure is full and pretty. Is 45 fish too many to take out? Or, did they need to be thinned? Too bad about the basement water. At least you know how to fix it. Did the heart-shaped metal bin come that way--in a heart shape?

    1. vego garden beds come in heart shape.
      Pond needs thinned. E's brother said he could have easliy did 100.

  2. I was thinking we hadn't heard from you in a bit. The heart planter is very cool. We have turtles like crazy this year in the neighborhood pond.
