Saturday, June 15, 2024

Heat wave coming.

 The purple martins are having a reunion on our barn fence. We have two houses for them.

In late afternoon until around 8 pm, the sun comes in strong through French doors. I hate closing them because we usually get a nice breeze and that is right across from stove. Hubby went out to barn and got Son 2's old patio umbrella he gave us when he put a roof over his patio. Works until around 7 pm.  Charlotte decided to move her blanket so she could lay on it in door way. 

Son 2 Gold Wing trike as having issues. So he traded it in and got a Harley triglide.  He offered to let us both test drive it. As I thought of getting one so I could take Hubby for rides since he can't hold his balance any more and sold our two wheel bike. Guess I could look also for side car.

Hubby is mowing around the gardens this morning so I can harvest in a couple hours. I will be pulling the peas as we have 54 meals now in freezer not counting what ever I harvest today. If we want fresh peas this fall I will plant fall peas end of July, beginning of Aug.

I will be planting zucchini and yellow squash . I always wait until I no longer see the little white moths that turn into squash bugs. 

Hubby asked what we were going to do during heat wave... 

I told him he didn't need to be mowing. He has some boxes sitting by his boots (in the way) that he can go through. I figured we could do some decluttering. Barn stays cool usually so he could do some cleaning out there. Maybe early morning work on wood but stop before the heat rolls in. Barn usually stays cool. 

I will clean the basement... nice and cool. Will wash the bedding, throws etc since it's a good solid week of no rain. 

We will water the gardens in late evenings. 

We can go visit his parents. 

There is a Produce auction on Tuesday (inside) and a Household auction Thursday morning. I have umbrella we can use to keep sun off us. 

Stay safe.

prayers for peace and sanity 

Blessed Be

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