Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 I canned ground beef, sausage, and bacon. We tried the bacon, on grease side and more of bits and pieces but done in 3-5 minutes. I might try doing half slices to see if they hold together better. I was told pepperoni was the same way. Was just making sure I could do it correctly incase of the freezers dying and needing to can everything.

My 4 inch cucumbers are starting to come in. I canned 5 pints of bread and butter pickles. 

Tomatoes have bottom rot due to too much rain at one time. Dealing with that. Glad I have enough put up to make it through the coming year if we don't get enough. 

I need pizza sauce though. Might have to buy the tomatoes from the Amish to get that done.

I ordered next year's seeds that I need to start my plants in Jan.... I ordered this year's fall garlic. They will come in Sept. The cherries I ordered should be in this week... the Mennonite store owner was hoping to get enough for everyone that ordered.

Hubby has decided (enough to price raised bed garden soil for 12 new beds) to do some late fall/ winter crops like I have done in the past.  I am waiting for him to come back with the costs before jumping back on that band wagon. As he has bounced back and forth on it.

Have a great day

Be safe

Prayer for all of us

Blessed Be




  1. You can on a wood stove? I need to can meat!

    1. I usually can on the propane stove but most Amish can on wood or coal stoves. You just have to make sure the canner is over the wood box of the stove as that is the hottest spot

  2. I love the convenience of canning ground beef but the texture is too mushy for me.

    1. boil it then after it's drained fry it a bit before canning it.

    2. Not canning it again. I gagged down what we did and at the price it is now I won't waste it.

  3. You sure are busy. Please share your pizza sauce recipe. Thanks

    1. I season it by taste since home grown tomatoes can taste different year to year. But always garlic powder, onion powder, basil, oregano, thyme and salt to bring the sweetness of the tomatoes out. I have fire roasted my tomatoes first (over gas grill) also. I use 1/2 pints to put it in and usually have a bit left in jar if I don't make two 12 inch pizzas

    2. FYI NEVER put sage in something you are canning, not even sausage as it turns very bitter

  4. So sorry to hear about your tomatoes but glad you have enough to last. You have been working hard that's for sure. Have a great day.

  5. Hi Chef Juls, I am really enjoying your blog. My hubby and I are retired also and working hard on paying off our mortgage. Thank you for all your budgeting information. Look forward to your next post. Be well. Cheryl
