Tuesday, September 3, 2024

current home pics


We are going to redo the gardens(berries are on other side of driveway with asparagus) and thinking of adding a green house. The one Amish family built one and the wife told Hubby that the vents work nice that it didn't get over heated during the 100 heat index days but it would need heat if trying to grow through the winter if we get a cold winter.

From a distance you can't tell we have a ramp on the front porch.

We have the roofing supplies for the wood shed (small red building to right of house) E is going to put it on. It doesn't leak so if he don't get to it this fall, it's okay. He is finishing up his wife's wash house, his mother's wash house and his sawmill building while harvesting hay, planting cover crop and waiting for the feed corn to finish ripening. LOL


  1. Your home looks great. I love seeing your property and gardens. I am inspired by all your plantings and the way you prep for the year. We also are working at paying off our mortgage and making changes to our life and home as we want to age in place. Peace be with you both.

  2. You have such a beautiful home. I love the ramp. Very well done. Your garden looks amazing. I can see how much love and care you put into everything you do. I have been reading for at least 1 plus years maybe more but I think this is the first time I have commented. Take care!
