Monday, September 16, 2024



I have been independant, Republican and Democratic...

I will NOT put a felon who thinks it's fine to grab women privates even when they don't want that touch. I will not put a felon that thinks it's okay to not pay his fair share of taxes or hides how he pays off his affair with a porn star. I feel for his wife and young son.

I will NOT vote for JD Vance that is our state senator that is supposed to be HELPING our state NOT LYING .. THEY ARE HERE LEGALLY JD . My grandson couldn't go to school due to bomb threats while you brag about not verifying your facts and willing to lie to get attention.

Like Jim Jordan who has never passes a single law he did on his own though he as cosponsored some that did  pass. He has repeatedly voted against the farming bill that would help OHIO farmers. 

I will add that they should have been required to take drivers training before getting behind a wheel on their own, but really..we have  folk doing drag racing through Columbus and the cops are trying to deal with that.

The Election wasn't stolen but Trump and his GANG are trying to steal it with lying NOW.

From NBC

 From 12,000 to 15,000 Haitians who fled political turmoil and violence in their home country have landed in Springfield over the past five years, arriving in the U.S. under a federal humanitarian program for migrants, according to the city. Others are in the U.S. on tourist visas and green cards.

“Many of them were professionals, ​​medical doctors, attorneys, teachers, engineers, you name it,” said Sophia Pierrelus, an immigration advocate who left the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince nearly two decades ago. “Culture shock happens for both Americans and Haitians.”


  1. Wow. I’ve been reading this “novel” of your life for years, never responded.. but I am heartened to read your statement. Leaders, not lies… Thank you.

  2. I had not heard how many or that there were so many professionals. Good to know.

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  5. Smart people look at the issues and the platform. Not the person.

  6. I am not American but citizens worldwide are being let down by their leaders (I am Canadian) I would not vote Republican/Conservative ever. Kamala has her own issues but still she is better than Trump.
