Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weather weird and being frugal

 First it was warm, then the temperature dropped 20 degrees and started raining which was not in the forecast at all for us... Since it was 55℉ at noon we started this

I even cooked supper of corn beef hash and peas on it.  We found the wood we have this year produces a hotter fire and the outside temp also went back up some.

 So use less wood. This is what we were burning

Yes, just scraps of wood from the sawmill and from where Hubby cut wood to size for our stove. We have 12 of these containers full.

Hubby decided at 9:30 pm he was going to let it go out because the house was up to 85℉, he added the powder we have to fight cresote (we also have cresote logs) before letting it go out... it's going on 4 AM and it's still 77℉. 

The weather forecast has changed for this coming week. We were suppose to get below 32℉... not seeing that as of today in the forecast.

I still have 5 garden beds to clear, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes and bell peppers. Pumpkins will be harvested also. The last of the garlic I ordered to plant should be in Monday so that will be done also.

We have green tomatoes, so I plan to have fried green tomatoes this week. We have cabbage... so maybe cabbage steaks from middle of cabbage and fried cabbage with fried potatoes and cole slaw from the rest of the cabbage. 

Bellpeppers will be diced and put in freezer. I will make more tomato sauce as Son2 asked for help with groceries. He goes back to work Tuesday after being off work on medical for 2 months. He told his doctor if he didn't go back to work his mom and finacee was going to strangle him . He is such a negative person when he has no purpose. AND since he couldn't be with finacee due to covid, he couldn't even help her besides help with the bills and get her money for food so she could eat.

 Hubby has refilled the older beds with raised bed soil. We will have to save up again to buy more soil for the new garden raised beds.

I look at what we have fresh to eat, then what needs used up... those 2 thoughts have helped with meal planning. I can be honest neither of us is interested in anything with tomatoes as they have ran us over. This week of fried green tomatoes is okay as we haven't had them for awhile.

Nephew with transplanted lungs did his last round of IV steroids. He goes back in for pulmonary testing on the 21st to see if it was just a nasty bug in his lungs or if he is starting to reject the lungs. Praying it was a nasty bug.

Son 2's finacee's 5 yr old son has had 3 surgeries for brain bleeds and a herniated disk surgery from the whiplash in the accident. The surgeon is hoping that fixes it all. Son2 and momma are both broke financially. She has horrible insurance from work on top of being off work now for a solid month due to covid herself, covid for the child and now this accident. They were supposed to get married next month but have backed it off and will set date after child gets released.

His grandparents found out that the car that rear ended them had NO insurance as required by the state of Ohio. Grandfather is still off work and the grandmother has no car to get to work as it totalled hers so has been using her hubby's until he gets back to work. They are broke also since can't go to work. Lawyer will have to deal with the mess. 

Son 2 is cutting what he can, didn't realize he was nickle and diming himself. Saw a YouTube of Clara Cannucciari (died 2013) done by her grandson Christopher Cannucciari of Depression Cooking... he was going on and on about it until I sent him a photo of her cook book (Clara's Kitchen) and told him that he grew up with some of her meals LOL.

Hubby's uncle ended up in ER, thought he was passing blood in his stool, he's eating too high of iron diet and has the intestinal virus I had at beginning of year. We all were thankful that was all it was.

We put the deck furniture in the barn. Hubby prepped the pump house for winter.

I still need to finish fall cleaning but that will be done after garden and berry patch has been dealt with. Maybe next 2 wks.

Prayers for peace

Blessed Be

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