Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hubby brought up

 some different things he was thinking about buying.... He had a car dealer send him a notice they would buy his truck for more than value so he thought to go get the same size truck newer and get a loan for it

We don't need a Ford 350 for personal use which we have since it was for the business, a truck yes as we have to tow the tractor to repair shop, a Ford 150 would be okay, a Ford 250 would be the biggest we need. 

I brought up that if we still was paying the mortgage and one of us dies, the other is going to struggle to live on what is coming in. (I won't because I can do the work around this place, he will as his brain disfunction will require him to have help which is why we are talking finances again , some more, what ever.) I then added we have a 2005 truck that is falling apart and can't be driven farther than 20  miles from home that needs replaced. I haven't found anything I am willing to pay for to replace it.

The house is going to need a new roof in 7 yrs. AND it will be metal not asphalt as they last 50 yrs instead of the 15-20 yrs of asphalt. That money needs to be put back now. 

We priced pavers ($2,000) for the area needed for walker with wheels or wheelchair needs at the end of the front porch ramp. E thinks he can put cement in it for less since he owns his mixer. He was going to come over but Amish had 2 funerals back to back so he was busy with that. His in laws are in (M's brother's wife was one that die of cancer) so he will be still busy the rest of this week playing catch up with his own work.

Hubby grumbled around some and then came back with... if we went back to like when we were in the bankruptcy, what would the time frame be for paying off the house and what changes would we have to make to do it. I can tell you right out,I got the 5 yr banruptcy paid off in 4 yrs ONLY because he worked with me... as a farmer growing up and early 20s he got used to living on loans, if the farm didn't make enough to pay it off, it just got rolled over to the next year's loan. Until the government came down on that practice.That's not how I was raised. My parents didn't buy anything on credit until they were in their 50s.They even paid cash for their first home and car.

I told him we could start in Aug paying off the mortgage as I wanted to get some money back into savings and pay for the pavers or cement so his parents can come here to visit. Order more heirloom seeds for next year AFTER the last payment for the taxs is paid.

I will set up a monthly savings for items like the roof,once a year house insurance, once a year propane,car maintenance and house maintenance  I already have Christmas and birthday money done that way.I will also set aside an amount to fill in with meat. I need some pork and poultry and both are on sale in the fall in this area. 

I have enough beef for the year. I just finished restocking the pasta. I have most of the veggies except winter squashes (if mine don't do well,I can get them from the Amish or Mennonite around the corner) I specified we had to eat healthy and eat our colors and I did NOT mean M&Ms. Eating healthy means less doctor bills and even though those costs are a lot less than what they were before Medicare and Medigap, I want to keep it that way.Medications are cheaper AND both of us has came off a couple meds with the change in diet.Hubby has been able to stay off Gout meds (which rip your system up and you live in the bathroom , he said he thought he had my Crohns) by drinking dandelion root tea once a week. He drinks it daily if he starts having a flare up which he hasn't for a couple years now.

Instead of rotating through, beef, pork, poultry, vegetarian, seafood for meals. I can do beef, pork,poultry, vegetarian (think green beans, potaoes or fried cabbage and fried potatoes), seafood (canned tuna, salmon and mackerel), Eggs/ cheese (grilled cheese sandwiches or cheese pizza), dried beans (I have 90 lbs of different beans and some of each canned) and pasta (1 onion 2 cups meat or beans and 3 cups veggies) and soups. Hubby is NOT a soup eater and is barely okay with pasta.He grew up eating steaks and pork chops and hams. I grew up with bean soup, boiled cabbage and fried potatoes (fried potatoes at every meal) with some cheap meat when Brother was playing football. Many time he got the meat and parents and I didn't. I had pasta only when I stayed with Nonna who came from Italy. Daddy didn't allow Mother to fix it. When he remarried, my stepmom told him to be thankful for what she put on the table and put spaghetti on it every week. He finally apoligized to Mother for being so picky. My stepdad got him to try Chinese food. Daddy loved it. 

I can bet that with a month or so I will be having the same conversation with him. He did suggest that he not go to stores by himself since he doesn't just buy what is on the list. I suggested he call me if he sees something that he realizes isn't on the list but we need or is at a great price. I know in time he won't be able to go by himself let alone drive. He made a comment to the one doctor about he had heart attack and was using it for the reason he has brain issues (which is due to head injuries and loss of hearing) , doctor pointed out I had a stroke and have CP and wasn't having the issues.  HUM... I told the doctor we call it glitching He does better with using that term when he struggles and if its a "bad" struggle I will tell him we are both glitching and need to take a bit to calm down and get on same page... so far that works to calm him down and get him refocused. I have to work in the world he is living in and it concerns me I might slide right in there with him. Mean time... it's pay off what is owed and keep explaining how we are doing it over and over.

Stay safe

prayers for peace and sanity

Blessed Be


  1. So funny--eating colors does not mean M&Ms.
    Daddy wanted fried potatoes with every meal and a bowl of beans.
    Working with him in his world does not mean you might slip in with him. Of course, you could but it would not be because you worked in his world.

  2. Hi Juls - for a long time I have been awed by your energy and productivity in the face of the medical challenges you have faced yourself. But now I will add that I am so touched by your perseverance in reaching goals and your continued adjustments as you also cope with your Hubby’s slow decline. You are an inspiration to many of us.

  3. I rarely comment on your blog - but you are so right. I wish more folks thought the way you did - money doesn't grow on trees- why incur more debt, unnecessarily? If you didn't need the current truck, you would use the money to pay down debts - makes no sense to go buy something newer and have more debt all over again!

  4. We made am appointment for an alignment at the dealer and they called my husband twice in three days asking if we wanted our vehicle appraised while it was there,
    My Dad would have asked them what part of NO they didn't understand. Dealers are desperate for good used cars .

  5. even the dealership that sold him the truck has called him within 2 yrs of him buying the truck.
