I never seem to be able to work a menu at home. For work as a Personal Chef, absolutely can do it and stay with it and come in at budget if not under budget. At home, my inner child runs the kitchen LOL
Sunday Day 10 of the Eat from the Pantry challenge we ate out for lunch. For dinner we had left over potato soup that I added a can of corn to to make it into "corn chowder".We went to see our one son re-enlist, he's working on being a lifer, (that's 20 yrs military talk) and he is working on being a civilan working for the military for life also ( 30 yrs).We took him out to eat for lunch at the local chinese buffet.Costs us $35 with tip. I took it out of the $40 left from the grocery budget.Usually I would take it out of the entertainment budget but there is ZERO in that budget this month. So we only have $5 for groceries until the 3rd on next month.
Day 11 of challenge.Today I am taking the youngest over to Columbus to get her driver's lisence back( YEAH) so my day is pretty much shot.She is an hour away from me and it's 1 1/2 hrs from her one way to get to Columbus.I hope there isn't a long wait for her to get thru it.I am making meatloaf, roasted root veggies with oranges and custard pie for dinner.