Where Brandy listed what she wanted to improve in her home, gardens and personal, made me think about looking at more than just the finances, gardens, pantry etc...
We are close to living our dream life... we are in the country in our own home doing our own maintenance when it needs done (instead of waiting months before the landlord decides it's worth doing or not doing which drove us nuts). We have the land we wanted to grow the gardens we want. We have an income but still need to work for the items we want that are WANTS not needs.AND we like that as it give purpose to be out and about.
We still have things we need (like ramps for wheelchair access and railing on the porches for ins reasons) that cost $$ that we are saving up. Hubby took part time work to save up for the 2 trailers he wants to buy that will bring more money in to the home in the long run.
SO what is left?
the mudroom is a dumping ground for anything that is to go to the barn or Hubby dumps things on the counter top for stuff he means to put away that he forget to put away because he goes into the I'll do it later mode.
My rocker in the bedroom is breeding magazines. I have canceled all except the 4 I read but Hubby finds one some where and puts it there so I can read it at night. I don't read magazines at night LOL
Area beside the kitchen frig which is at the door to the basement gets loaded with stuff that should be put away in the basement. Funny how we walk to the upstairs to put something away but not the basement.
Kitchen, Hoosier counter on over load, counters constantly is loaded especially the bfast bar area and my roll cart at the stove gets dumped on all the time.
In the laundry room, Hubby shoves boxes off odds and ends under my clothes that are on racks (Don't have closets yet). I think I might have got this stopped this weekend when I put the two boxes he did it with ON HIS DESK.
My office... MY Desk is the worse, but it's now over flowed to my table. I have 4 boxes in the corner plus of course the 3 drawers in the desk ... I need a bigger circular file and a filing cabinet and about 8 hrs to work on it.
Sewing room, box after box after box. I need to build shelves to sort the fabric and yarn on and set up my sewing machine. SO I can sew aprons, curtains for entire house (warm weather and cold), pillows and the Christmas gifts I didn't get done this year.
We would love to have the barn decluttered before the end of summer... I doubt if we will get that far as the house is the priority on that.
IN the garden
I would love to have flowers that I can at least have 1 bouquet a week if not two. I have plans for planting flowers.
Herbs, as I am starting a new garden from bare nothing I really have to focus on getting the herbs rolling. I did transplant my chives, garlic chives and sage that seems to have survived. My thyme and oregano didn't. I have garden mints that I will have to remove part of, not something I use a lot of.
I would like berry bushes, a new grape harbor with seedless grapes that is NOT on the driveway. Hubby has to almost put the F350 in the yard to not clip the concord grape harbor.More perennial onions. I started a few last fall and they seem like they are okay so far.
No Crohn's attacks that put me in the hospital... think of walking a tight rope on that one.
Eating healthier... I don't eat enough protein and with the work I am doing here I definitely can't put off not changing my diet.
Learn German.
Have at least 1 get together with friends and neighbors this year.
From My Home to Yours: 2/8/24
From My Home to Yours2/8/25~ Let's talk gardening ~This week has been
filled with doctor appointments, trips to pharmacies for prescription fills
and refi...
1 day ago