Check out this challenge. This is a good way to start the New Year.
My Goals are :
To use up what I have too much of and what I shouldn't have bought to begin with.
Give my pantry and freezers a good clean out, including an easier defrosting in the end.
Use the money I save from not buying groceries for catching up back bills (thanks to medical problems),increase the savings account that has took a huge hit, buy seeds/plants for the garden and buy a new chest deep freezer to replace the upright deep freezer I do not like.
Fresh produce and items like milk,eggs will still be bought but not more than 2 NEW items will be included in any meal.
I will journal what meals we have, make notes of recipes used and whether that should ever show back up on the dining table again.
I will TRY to post every day what we eat and check over at goodcheapeats what others are doing...
care to join me?
Blessed Be Juls