Friday, May 1, 2020

to Hades in a handbasket.

Laundry is done, dishes put away , grow lights are on. Chose what plants will go out to be hardened off starting today.

Was going out to start sitting up to paint the garden boxes when the rain started. So that's off the list until this afternoon. Not going to plant in the rain, not bad for the plants but the last thing I need is a cold from a cold wet rain.

So thought I would go up to the office where I set my sewing machine up and sew masks..


Hubby is half way across the state and got the call the 115,000 tons of gravel will be coming in TODAY IN ONE HOUR.

Nothing had been moved as they said they would call the day before. SO I had to go out and clear areas for it to be dumped as it can't be tailgated due to the trailers being in the way. I had to pull the chevy and jeep into the yard, hope they don't get stuck because it's pretty soggy in the yard.

 Thankful it's not the whole order of 250,000 tons. I was a little upset Hubby didn't order it all at once but after he got off the phone he said he wanted to fill in the hard areas they can't tailgate it (where they dump out the tailgate while they drive) before he had the rest brought in case he needed MORE than we thought since we are adding 2 parking areas for trailers and more around the barn perimeter and then widening the lane which is over 300 ft long.

SO I swished and swiped both bathrooms.

Now it's sit and wait.This is when I wished I had thought to make a sewing area on the first floor.

May 1st

ER follow up with GI doctor isn't until May 6th and on the phone then.

I still am trying to get a hold of my family doctor. I was told by a mutual friend that they thought there was a family emergency out of state. Which closes his office as his wife is his nurse and receptionist.

It's a good thing I am staying at home... ER Doctor called that the only test result not back was the Covid 19 but since my lungs are clear and my bloodwork was good he is looking at me testing negative. For me to continue staying at home, wearing my mask and gloves when out. I am wearing my mask while making masks and then washing in hot water and drying in hot dryer and then with gloves and mask on putting them in a plastic bag to mail and then Son 2 will dump them directly into washer and rewash as he doesn't like the smell of my laundry soap LOL.

The masks are cut waiting to be sewn.I was just sewing for Son 2 but he caught wind that Daughter 4 now needs them also to go to work as her company only bring back who has their own face coverings.

My washer is acting up... mother board is doing weird things. Will get a hold of Maytag to see if this is under warranty. Either way I can't get it fixed until I have my test results back.

The is now 8 raspberry bushes, 125 strawberries, 6 trees and 8 grapevines sitting on my porch to be planted. OF course they came in when Hubby will be working the next 2 days. Going to be a couple late nights for him.

I have to finish painting the sq ft boxes so Hubby can put them together.

There is 10 lbs of potatoes to plant.

There is over 5 dozen tomato plants to start hardening off

There is 9 Brussels Sprouts to start hardening off

There is 6 apple mint and 3 rosemary plants to start hardening off

There is 3 dozen seedling (assorted veggies ) to be transplanted.

I have seeds that need planted.

I have to build 3 trellises

There are another 150 onions to plant because I marked can substitute on the order form when I ordered SETS instead of plants ( I wanted sets for fall planting)

Asparagus is coming in. I canned 5 pints of dill pickled asparagus and blanched enough to cover a cookie sheet and freeze it. I will vacuum seal it today. Probably going to be harvesting asparagus daily for the next 3 weeks.

The Amish produce auction is working with the Health dept on how to open back up.

What's on your to do list?

Dust bunnies are breeding here