The basement is dry and pretreated to keep any mold from happening.
BUT it's a wreck. We lost just under $1,000. of food and items. Didn't put claim on insurance.
Will need to replace main drain tile (the one that connects to barn,pump house and house) and drains to pond as it couldn't handle that amount of rain (6.5 inches an hour, we got almost 4). Hubby talked to the plumber that lives 2 houses down. He has single ground level home, had water in the house and garage. E's had water in basement but his brother had it going through his barn like a creek and his dad had it in his work shop...they live up on a hill that doesn't even get flooded when the Scioto floods at the bottom of the hill.
Hubby ordered canning jar boxes from Uline as that was a big hit. He cleaned an area that he is moving all the extra jars to the barn as it didn't get any water what so ever. Pump house did and we had to replace the monitor there.
I have canned 36 quarts of pasta sauce... Stil need 16 qrts and 26 pints, plus plain sauce, tom juice and maybe some tomatoes... fire roasted if I have enough.
BUT I am down with food posioning...SIGH stale fritos, yeah I know they tasted stale but I was hungry and didn't want to stop what I was doing to fix something so now I am down anyways. Hubby said it reminded him of one of my really bad Crohn's attackes.... I said no where close as I am almost recovered if I REST for at least today and then only do little starting tomorrow. He suggested I put canning jar boxes together LOL.
I did pay the bills, paid extra on mortgage. Not as much as I wanted but considering what I had to replace in the flood it was still a good month. Was not fun to run back and forth from computer to bathroom.
Prayers for peace
Blessed Be