Sunday, February 2, 2020

Check marked off in Jan with Plans for Feb.

Completed one saving chart thanks to doing frugalwoods uber challenge. I printed a one month calendar to keep track of how much we spend on what. To close the holes where $$ is going through.

Paid all of Jan bills and 1st 10 days of Feb. AND still have $$ in bank.

Gathered everything for taxes...waiting for the 1099s from the bank and from one of Hubby's hobby jobs.

Made the menu for the month and then realized I won't be home for a week since I will be staying with Son 2 when he has surgery. SO need to put in freezer meals Hubby can warm in microwave. Which fruit we are to eat is listed every day. I will base the second part of the month which will actually only be 8 days due to me being gone, to using up what is in the house . So far that means I get milk and maybe kale or fresh salad the second part of the month.

I ordered from Amazon (no where around here to get this) my special condiments and spices. I was completely out and was putting off some of the meals because of it. I kept putting the ingredients on the wish list and then ordered it today after we talked over about the menu AFTER I remembered I would be gone.

Figured out when I need to start my seeds as a couple years ago I started too soon and ended up transplanting my tomato plants 3 times before it was time to put them out.

Declutter 365... everything on the Jan calendar except the spice and herbs cabinet. Printed off the Feb calendar of decluttering.

Modern Day Mrs. Darcy read Nora Roberts The Guardians Trilogy: Stars of Fortune,Bay of Sighs and Island of Glass. Also read Nora Roberts  Chronicles of The One :Year One, Of Blood and Bone, and The Rise of Magicks.

Picked out part of the books I will read for Feb. The Year of Yes By Shonda Rhimes, Daily Rituals by Mason Currey, The Killing Fog by Jeff Wheeler, The Family Garden by Melissa K Norris (about growing a garden to fill the pantry for 1 yr includes how many plants to grow do that), More Than Enough by Miranda Anderson, Starting Over by Jackie Clay , The Journey Without You by Tersa Carter Kissie , The Children Who Stayed Alone (original title Sod House Adventure) by Bonnie Bess Worline.Family Feasts for $75 a Week by Mary Ostyn,Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half by Steve and Annette Economides ,All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew , Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew, A Day in An Amish Kitchen by Bob Ottum Editor 1995 Reiman Publications  and last but not least We Had Everything But Money Published by 1991 Reiman Plublications

I still need to do the final choice of the winter sowing and how many of that I will do...

I will finish planning the sq foot garden layouts along with what containers and how I will do the railing on the deck to include plantings.

Do you have any plans?
Blessed Be