Saturday, August 31, 2024

from the gardens

 I made tomato sauce, I thought I had some in the pantry, rechecked and found ZERO, I had double the amount of tomatoes and tomato juices though. There was very little "water" after running through the mill and letting it sit over night in the frig. I got 41 pints, both canners are on the stove as I play catch up on the computer. I will make catsup/ketchup next harvest.

I have froze eggplant, halved bell peppers for the sausage apple stuffing muffins I already have in the freezer, bell peppers diced (stir fries, 123 pasta, potatoes O'Brein, Philly steak subs and pizza), green beans the size of the width of my thumb to use in stirfries when I pulled the plants. I got some hamburger on sale and make patties, froze them then vacuum bagged them. Got hotdogs on sale, kept 2 packages whole, took the other 3 and broke down into 2 hotdogs vacuumed bagged as Hubby prefers brats (not me). So we can have what we prefer.

I got hotdog buns, hamburger buns and French bread on sale. Vacuum bagged them in amounts we would use and froze them. 

We pulled the all the cucumber vines and the onions are now curing. Onions didn't get very big (too wet, then too dry then too wet again) Since we are back into a dry spell I pulled them. Figured when I only need a little bit I could use them for that. Will look to Amish to see if anyone is selling some or buy from store as needed.

We have 2 canteloupe and 1 watermelon and 1 red kur winter squash harvested.

I need to find apples since ours rotten on the tree. Hubby got them off so that mess is dealt with.

We decided on 2 hams, 2 turkeys and 1 prime rib (Christmas Eve) is the only meat we need to buy.

I pulled up the current USDA food plans...for our age Thrify is $495.90, Low is $540.90, Moderate is $672.90 and Liberal is $803.80.

We pay for our eating out from the grocery budget (including tips) We come in between Low and Moderate.

We would like to be between Thrift and Low.

 We looked at what we order to go or eat out. Wendy's and Burger King so we now have frozen hamburgers and buns, I have raspberry lemonade mix and strawberry lemonade mix. We don't really care for regular French fries unless they are loaded. So I bought sweet potatoes to make them into French fries in the air fryer. 

We will be looking at the rest, some of it is we are out on appts. Others is both are worn out. I have canned more soups to help with that side. 

Stay safe

Prayers for peace

Blessed Be