I thought this past week would never end. Storms at night rolled through (but not enough rain of course) and Charlotte paces, thundershirt helped but she still paced but didn't pant like she used to. As long as I sat in my rocking chair in the dining room she was fine, she go back to the basement to her "den" but if I got up even to go to the bathroom she was back up the stairs pacing. Hubby started laughing as he heard me tell her I was going to the potty and I would be right back as she was coming up the stairs. Like being up with a baby that has it's days and nights flipped.
Wood that still needs cut for this winter
BUT that is the last of it.
The only thing left to do on the wood shed is the roof, E made it clear he would be helping with that. Hubby is going to thunk him this week since oats have been shocked and hay just finished.
Hubby hauled hay for HB, his father in law gave Hubby a pane of glass for helping his family (HB paid Hubby) as he found out we have a broken pane. E said he would put it in as he is replacing one of his own and has the caulking anyways.
I canned Roma green beans and 9 half pints of cherry syrup. We bought milk.
I am cleaning the pantry and trying to fill in the holes in the food storage.
Hubby decided he was keeping the treated lumber beds instead of burning them, he wants to stack them so they are deeper, me put liner in them and then fill them. Since I already bought metal beds to replace them I asked what he was going to grow in them. He told me to figure something out.
I finished the seed order for next year (actually 2 yrs at least). I focused my usual spring planting, what I will grow (using grow cart) for summer and then fall planting. Adding what I can put in cold storage (aka root cellar) which will be more under stairs , attic, bottom of basement ramp etc. I ordered more winter squash as I know we can take the extra over to the produce auction.
Covid is going around so we are trying to stay home (kids run around and don't care if they get it but will warn us they have been exposed). We have a few medical appts so know to mask up and use hand sanitizer. Lysol the house on a regular bases.
Hope all is well and good.
Blessed Be