I will start with the major projects still to do
caulking of 12 rooms
air barrier in 2 attics
deck railing (I want to grow herbs on the deck) and ramp
Awning over French doors on deck
more gravel to extend and widen the driveway and add to the parking area for the trailers
Build a removeable box for flat bed trailer (be nice if carrying things that shouldn't get wet)
front porch needs leveled, new posts, railing, banister at concrete steps( or ramped) and wood floor replaced along with painted
kitchen porch needs leveled, new posts, railing, banister at concrete steps and wood floor replaced along with painted. Two ceiling fans already bought need installed after painted.
back stoop to the mudroom door needs widened as you have to step back to open the door to come in.
gate at fence to enter ramp on the deck needs installed
basement ramp and the drainage pipe at that area needs redone
Redesign the gardens
replace 16 windows
side entire home
side barn porch
install lights in dog kennel area of barn (that dogs very seldom go in but if I had to take my daughters dogs for some reason they would love it)
install lights in garage section of barn where the tractor, lawn mower etc is stored
install closets and storage items in house.
continue to clear barn of boxes and extra furniture
We chose the following for this year:
caulking of 12 rooms ( I have half the caulking bought)
air barrier in 2 attics (just need staples)
deck railing with a note I want to grow herbs on the deck railing (I have part of what is needed for the railing)
gate at fence to enter ramp on the deck. Need to buy post and gate.
basement ramp and the drainage pipe at that area needs redone. All needs bought
Redesign the gardens.(need potting soil for grow pots and sq ft and boards for sq ft gardens
install closets and storage items (98% is in barn)
continue to clear barn of boxes and extra furniture.(freebie just tons of work and time)
We are doing cost estimates for these projects to know how much we need to save to get them done.
Now for the budget. Hubby turns 62 this year. Thoughts of living on only social security *which is really only meant to replace 40% of your income during retirement* is what we looked at.
Five times in 2019 I have changed the budget
1/1/2019 $8794
8/1/2019 $6123
9/12/2019 $5883
12/1/19 $ 5062.50
I went on social security and pulled what Hubby would get at 62 and then at the beginning of next year myself . Living on the budget I set for this coming year. We would be short the medical and would have to pull that amount from the IRAs' and that is a lot less than what we are pulling now and would make it last 3 times as long as now. Hubby would like to have his truck paid off or at least half off before pulling SS.I don't see that happening along with the projects.
It also lets me know how much must be in the savings to cover us between him starting SS and me starting SS.
That really is not a bad scenario since we don't count on his hobby to pay anything He has declined several jobs as he doesn't want a business, doesn't want the headache of paper work even though he has to keep track of some of it for a hobby, just something to have purpose in his days. He enjoys the travel but limits that as he wants to be home to sleep in his own bed.
I think the no spend month with written down exceptions is going to continue in to 2020 but with the line of do you want to draw SS or keep drawing the IRA ? to push us to be more conscious of our choices.
Brief Announcement!
Due to a family member medical emergency, I am unable to do any blogging
for the time being. I'll be back as soon as the family member is out of the
5 days ago