We haven't done as well as I had planned with eating from the pantry. Part of it is lack of planning for the work load of the day and the other is I am still sick, now down graded from bronchitis to viral infection.
Last Sunday we had rib roast,carrots,potatoes and watermelon
Monday we had homemade pizza because I found more crusts in the deep freezer and needed it out of the way.
Tuesday we ate at our local favorite place.Inn Between tavern and got their fried fish special with onion chips (like onion rings) and cole slaw.
Wednesday was Hubby's birthday so I pulled out rib eye steak from the deep freezer and added baked sweet potato and steamed some cauliflower,broccoli and carrots to make California blend veggies that is his favorite veggie.
Thursday we went to the store and ran errands. We got all that we needed (3 things) and then got what we wanted and still came in under budget for the next 2 wks. I fixed sausage patties and French toast for dinner
Friday I made Cinncy chili ...that is chili on top of pasta. I used up some of the Ramen noodles.
Last night was Subway subs. I had worked on fall cleaning all day and Hubby was at a HAM radio class.So he picked it up on the way home.
Have a Blessed Day
Brief Announcement!
Due to a family member medical emergency, I am unable to do any blogging
for the time being. I'll be back as soon as the family member is out of the
4 days ago