Monday, August 22, 2022

on the financial side after coffee

 Because finances at 4 am isn't possible as that is Charlotte time on the porch with my first cup of coffee so I can function.

rained for last 2 days so the chairs were damp so the towels were for the chairs

She heard H, the Amish on the back side of us talking to one of the kids while doing chores. 

My view of the pond with the neighbor's security light. Fog was pretty heavy this morning.

Finance report:

Sept 1st is one year from refinancing the mortgage. We have a 30 yr. loan (was the cheapest interest). We have paid 4 years of payments. saving $23,814.87 in interest. 

The money for the wood/coal stove and1 ton of coal is in savings.(Sept)

The money for the chimney for said stove is in savings. (Sept)

The money for propane is in savings.(Sept)

The money for propane for Sept 2023 is now in a 1 yr CD.

I paid the estimated school taxes early. 

The bills for August and the health ins and mortgage for Sept are paid. 

We still need to save for another vehicle. 

We still need to save for 2 batteries for the solar deep well water pump.

We still need to save for 2023 medical out of pocket/prescriptions/ etc..

2023 will be a weird year as Hubby goes on Medicare in Oct. and I the following Jan.2024.

 We usually pay the bills from the SS and the health and extra's from the IRAs. I am going to have to flip that.  I will probably still put the out of pocket until things  settle in that area. 

Blessed Be

Prayers for peace