I am worried...we ate mostly from the pantry.Did eat out a few times, examples like when son re-enlisted, my bday ..more of a celebration than "oh I don't want to cook thing."
I do have empty spots in the pantry and freezers. The two refrigerators are full but that is because the 3rd refrigerator died and I had to quickly shove condiments in to the other two.
I guess I should first say that my groceries is food, non food( dog items, paper products, meds etc) and eating out including that cup of coffee at the gas station ...
STILL we spent $786.02.That was AFTER the savings of $102.52.Hubby just shrugged and said "you saved over 10 % and your goal was 5%...I'm more like "have I lost my every loving mind!!!!"
Granted my fool proof savings plan was not in affect.Namely my youngest that can make you justify spending money on better t paper than the cheap stuff didn't go with me.
I kept the receipts for the whole month to see what I bought and where I can cut because that is just way over the budget.
Twice I bought non-food for a total of $488.67. Except for toilet paper we are set for the coming month. I make my own laundry soap for my HE washer.Have for over a yr and I use white vinegar for fabirc softener. Still buy cheap dryer sheets for when I use the dryer. Part of the reason I love 50 degree and warmer weather is I can use the clothes line.Give me a Monday morning that is decent and I am happy with hanging out the laundry...I side track. I made a list of what I bought and then removed what was really not needed and wouldn't affect our lives.Namely I elimated some of the dog treats...they get carrots now instead of a certain treat and I break biscuits, dentals etc in half so everything will last twice as long should cut that bill in half. I also have started using purple rags from http://www.flylady.net/ really thought I was going back wards there. I use one for windows and mirrors,one for bathroom and one for the kitchen cleaning , throwed them in the wash with throw rugs.I have noticed the paper towels that used to not last a week are now still hanging around for 3 wks or more. There is no lint on the mirrors and windows and I am a wash the windows weekly freak.In the old house I washed the windows inside and out every week since they tilt in.
Eating out was $125.72 that included feeding our son.That is about double with our normal eating out.I have already planned a nice meal for Valentines day and our anniversary.
Foodwise was on budget..$293.15.I planned for $300 for the month.NOW add this in to that amt.I bought meat for Feb because it was on sale and it was just too good of a price to ignore. ( I did get it with youngest's blessing) That meat cost $111.65 OF the $293.15.Meaning I spent $181.50 for food for this month alone not including the eating out amt.
non-food is definately on the radar to be cut down
best get back to the pasta sauce making and I roasted a turkey last night for dinner so I need to debone it and make broth from the carcuss .
Blessed be