I didn't buy a ham or stuff for an Easter basket. We had ham steaks from the freezer and asparagus fresh from the garden rolled in tortilla wraps. Hubby is trying to lose weight and found he does better with small meals 4 times a day than larger meals. Almost like a diabetic which is good as it runs in both our families.
We stayed home for Easter and just sent messages as our families seemed to be out and about and we didn't want the kids to have to make choices of what side to see. We have been thanked more than once through the years of not making them make choices. My parents always celebrated off holiday since they had to travel so much for Daddy's side and then when they divorced. Also by staying home no new outfits were bought. Something our parents did every year.
We won't be planting sweet corn or popcorn as I found enough in the 3 frig freezers and the barn freezer I have sorted and organized. Only 3 more deep freezers to clear, defrost and organize. I told Hubby the seed would be best kept for next year.
I won't be getting a top off on the propane. The manager of our propane company looked at our balance and usage and thought if I was careful, we would do better to leave the "balance" until a NEEDED fill. He thinks we might get at least mid June. A fill then would put us in to Nov or Dec. instead of needing a fill in Aug. Keeping us to the lower amount of 4 fills a year instead of 5 plus 100 gallons. That would save us at least $1000 at the going rate.
I won't be stocking up any more. We should have all we NEED especially since one of the kids who took my supply of lemon lime koolaid has ordered it to be sent to me. They also are sending Wild berry lemonade for Hubby as they know he gets it when we eat at Wendy's. I do need to replace the "emergency like grid down" stuff as we used it up through the winter. I am still pricing it out to get the best deal.
I didn't mail the birthday cards because we will be in the area of all the kids on next Sunday due to great granddaughter's 1st bday party. We will be wearing masks. Stamps for all the cards would be $9. That's about half of what the gas is going to be to go to the party where they will be anyways if they aren't working. I can pass the cards to parents if they have to work.
We got the septic tank taken care of. I wrote a check instead of using credit card as he gave 10% discount for NOT using a credit card. He charges 5% to use the credit card since that is what the credit card companies charge him for accepting them.
We didn't eat out. I used leftovers out of the freezer in the airfryer or microwave instead of the stove that uses propane.
We have several garden beds of painted plyboard needing replaced (4 yrs old). We decided to accept the offer from E to use the slab wood for free *he just wants it gone* for them also instead of using it just for the potato crates.
We have had snow, graupel (frozen snow) and around freezing temps. Welcome to Ohio in April
Prayers for peace
Blessed be