Daughter 4 had her surgery for removal of ovary and a tumor on the lining of her stomach a week ago. Was a rough week as she refused pain meds, feared it would trigger her addiction and she's been in recovery 8 yrs. By the 4th day she was doing fine. She starts radiation today for 4 weeks Mon-Fri. and will be taking a chemo pill nightly for 4 wks. Then the plan is physical therapy for 4 wks. She is hoping to cut that by 2 wks and get released to go to work so she could have her 1st pay check Labor day weekend.
In June we spent only on necessities until the closing of the refinance loan. I put everything that broke (grinder for herbs, cheese grater, immersion blender, instant read thermometer, oil/candy thermometer) ... I think the kitchen took the worst hit) on a wish list and waited. Day after the loan was notarized. Mortgage guy who had warned us to not buy much of anything and thought it was funny things were breaking ..said order LOL. I went through Brandy's website to Amazon. I added to the wish list and to order a raised dog food dish as Rascal's cardboard box bit the dust. I ordered 3 as I figure Wilbur could use a raised one also and Charlotte shouldn't be left out HA HA. I saved 38% on them. It will be easier to keep them clean also helping keeping flies down. Living between two farms that has horses, cows and chickens and manure that goes on 3 pastures around us... flies are common.
I bought cherries to make mixed berry pie filling, jam and freeze. $6. OFF a pound bringing it down to $1.25/pound. I still need to pit the rest of them (jam is done and in freezer)
I got blueberries 50% off. I froze them , some for the mixed berry pie filling and some for eating. Ours is very small so I decided fresh eating and for muffins this winter so I froze those also.
I ordered 2 Flylady calendars. One is for appts... we have used this for years. Love the big calendar with big squares. The other I will use to keep track of what to use in the pantry... another post. I had a code that I got $17.46 off the order.
I ordered one file pocket calendar using code for 10% off , this is the calendar for finances only.
Hubby sold the Honda motorcycle since he has the one he bought off son 2 tagged and insured lowering the ins by $50/month.
Today I took the last of the peaches and last year's peach puree and started cooking it down for peach butter.
I harvested purple beans (like green beans but purple) for our supper tonight.
We discussed and debated and then went a couple more rounds... we want storage for paper goods/cleaning products in the barn. Barn means possible mice. Hubby didn't want wood... I wasn't thrilled with the price of the metal one he wanted. He did some searching and found almost the exact same thing but instead of holding 150 lbs per shelf it's 400 lbs per shelf AND $250 LESS per cabinet. We got 2. Hubby thinks paper goods in one, cleaning in the other. I saved an additional 10% and got a free $50 tool rolling seat cart that Hubby can use instead of sitting on an upside down 5 gal bucket.
M sent over a bag of peas. They had enough for a meal and what was left wasn't enough to can for them. I shelled them and froze them and now have another 6 meals in the freezer.
How is your summer going?
Blessed Be