Thursday, January 9, 2025

Geeze it's only the 6th and the freaking hackers

 are going strong.Thankful that it was stopped but lost a couple posts etc. They didn't get into any emails or financial stuff. I imagine that they tried as Son2 had some of his info leaked but that was stopped also before they withdrew any money.

So... out of 15 of family and friends who had health and other issues, everyone is home and doing better. Couple of them still have follow ups. Son 2 did get update on his ex's child. He is living with his grandparents and has a lot of physical therapy but doing okay.

!!!!! I will add that of you do not drink water... please start...dehydration can mimic mental illness. Urine should be clear or pale yellow... not like motor oil like Son2 who now has his parents and best friend breathing fire daily to remind him to drink WATER. 

Several are working from home due to weather not as bad as TN and KY but we haven't had snow like this for years. Another frigid spell is coming in this weekend so we loaded the wood  and brought in coal that we haven't used in 2 yrs.

Took us 3 hrs but at least we won't be trying to haul wood from the barn or be out in the woods dragging timber to the barns to cut because we didn't deal with it and now need it done like a few Amish did.

I put my back out of place. Only sore now but has slowed me down. Nothing like twinges when you turn and feeling like you are getting a hard pinch on the spine. Already scheduled the chiro appts.

We have one utility still to come in to pay this month and the chiro co pays. Since it's the electric bill I am expecting it to be higher than average. Should be online by tomorrow. Figures crossed we will be coming in under budget.

How has your new year started?

Blessed Be

Prayers for peace

Menu Jan 3rd to 9th

 Jan 3rd  Leftover chicken into a stir fry with bell peppers, onions, garlic,carrots, celery and mushrooms with turmeric rice.

Jan 4th Leftover pork loin, kraut with apples, spinach and hominy 

Jan 5th Taco soup with tortilla chips, cheese dip and pineapple rings

Jan 6th Lasagna, salad with mandrain orange and spelts garlic bread.

Jan 7th Roasted ham, leftover spinach, leftover hominy and buttered potatoes. (rest of ham going in freezer, broth going in bean soup)

Jan 8th Leftover lasagna (froze rest) salad, pineapple rings

Jan 9th, Going to have great northern bean soup with White Lily cornbread.