Month instead of a no spend month.
Hubby blew a tire on the trailer while fully loaded. When he took it in to get it replaced he was grateful he didn't ruin the rim but was told he actually needed 2 tires.
Daughter 4 bought a car (paid cash, so proud) and then cleaned my car (smells great and looks better) AND filled the tank up AND gave me the money for an oil change (surprised). Our mechanic went over it completely and told me it needs brakes and rotors.. He is good about making sure our vehicles can drive out of state. He is going to check belts when I bring it in for the brakes and oil change.
I thought we had filters for everything (furnace, kitchen cold air vent, 2 frigs, sweeper, whole house water) until June... NOPE, need them NOW . Now have that ordered except for furnace as we get that one cheapest at Menards on Thursday when we have tons of errands in that area.
I went to change the ink in the printer and couldn't find the extra ink.... Hubby got to thinking about it when I asked if he knew were it was and then realized he had gave it to his parents last month when they were printing tax stuff and he forgot to go get some (I didn't ask why he didn't just go get some for them since he drives past the store on the way to their house instead of taking ours) ... I ordered that since I was already ordering office stuff with a discount and coupons combo. Got free shipping and 35% of when all said and done.
While checking the water filter I realized we needed salt for the softener... should have clicked when we just got propane as they have been matching all winter. Ordered that to be delivered, they will do a check to make sure everything is working as it should while here.
I finally got everything around that we need for taxes...then our tax lady reminded me of medical mileage, she said usually it's not enough to add but she knew I was going a long distance for mine so told me to bring it.... over 4500 miles for last year (which was why I needed ink for the printer) when I finished that.
I finished the book Daily Rituals. It included several types of artists and how they did their work or days. Was interesting as a lot of them had trouble sleeping.
Compared to Jan of 2019 we reduced our electric bill by 302 KW for the month. That was nice to see.
I paid the bills, got a couple due this weekend that I will pay on Friday. I am waiting to see where the money is in all the accts after we deal with the all the bills on Thursday.
We ate leftovers yesterday with some fruit. Tonight I fixed taco meat for quesadillas. I will have refried beans, guac and tomatoes along with canned mango for the fruit.
Definitely on the tired side, but got enough done to feel good about what is left to do.
Brief Announcement!
Due to a family member medical emergency, I am unable to do any blogging
for the time being. I'll be back as soon as the family member is out of the
4 days ago