From My Home to Yours: 2/8/24
From My Home to Yours2/8/25~ Let's talk gardening ~This week has been
filled with doctor appointments, trips to pharmacies for prescription fills
and refi...
Christmas is Coming! December 5, 2024
We were able to get our Thanksgiving things down this past weekend. Rob
took our daughter and grandson out and they cut a tree and Malcolm and I
decorated ...
To Do list for this week
I always dread going back to look at last week's goals and plans when I get
ready to write the post for the new week. Something in me is just certain ...
Butter Baked Chicken, Biscuits, and Gravy
*Butter Baked Chicken, Biscuits, and Gravy*
I found this recipe ages and ages ago in an older church cookbook. It
sounded so homey and good that I ha...
Tomorrow is the Day!
My blog is going private Sunday so this is your last chance to be invited
to read it, if you so wish. It will be a private, community where people
new to do list Monday
good evening everyone
It’s chilly here, is it chilly where you are?
I made a new to do list for this week. This pen and paper method is just
what wor...
Halloween Decorations
Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to
hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so they needed
to ...
Friday, Not much saving this week
Well, other than not going anywhere and not spending any money for 4 days
in a row, I have not done much. There will be no large saving this week
The Belfry
Bruges Belfry-Picture from Wikipedia I want to travel the world, and
Belgium, specifically Bruges is on my list of places to visit. While quite
a dark mo...
Life Update and Craziness
Man it has been a hot minute hasn't it?
It has been so crazy around here I've felt like I haven't had a chance to
breathe, let alone do anything else....
Sewing, Exercise, and Spring Cleaning 2/7/25!
I have been making a tote bag for my granddaughter for her horses. I've
been following this tutorial on youtube that has been perfect.
She has went f...