We have been talking of the New Year, starting fresh since we moved to a bigger place (and better for us financiallyand emotionally since it reminds us of our childhood homes)...in finances and in health. They hold hands all the time.
I just finished setting up the pantry in the basement in this house. Great to see what I don't have and need because I use all the time...and bad to see what I have an over abundance of and don't hardly use at all. So we started wondering if I bought stuff not knowing I had it because I didn't have a written inventory or because it was hidden in the small house under the bed,couch, love seat etc. More likely as we found out this weekend, it was given to us because we do eat it, we just don't eat as much as we are given.I know the kids will pass to us things that are considered healthy because they don't eat it and know we do.
SO where does that leave me??? I have a wonderful and extremely varied pantry including over 100 herbs and spices. I have a good amount of meat even though it is low or out of chuck roast, pork butt roast,and Once again,I live out in the "boonies" according to my kids, love it love it love it. BUT you can't run thru the drive thrus of fast food(after reading they douce my hamburger with ammonia I don't think I want to anyways) and you can't have fast food or pizza deliveried.
You have to cook or you beg your hubby to make popcorn in lard,bacon grease and drown it in real butter. That only works on the weekend when he isn't trying to pack his lunch from the leftovers of dinner.
I also am looking at eating healthier foods. I eat natural foods mostly so will be planting a garden this spring (Square Foot Gardening is the way to go).
My plan so far it is to use the pantry up so when the garden comes in there are empty shelves to put it on as I process it. AND to eat more whole grains, more veggies and fruit AND spend less money on food and non food.
From My Home to Yours: 2/8/24
From My Home to Yours2/8/25~ Let's talk gardening ~This week has been
filled with doctor appointments, trips to pharmacies for prescription fills
and refi...
1 day ago