I did 2 loads of laundry and hung them on the kitchen clothes line.
I turned off the furnace and opened the house to air out.
Found the dust mop head that has been missing since the rooms were painted in my snow boot.
Ran Afresh through the clothes washer.
Unloaded the dishwasher and put the dishes away, reloaded the dishwasher and set it on delay cycle to wash during the night.
Cleaned both toilets.
Cleaned both bathroom sinks.
Cleaned the kitchen sink.
Took 2 naps.
I was going to eat leftover mac and cheese but it didn't taste right to me so I didn't eat it. Ate cheese,pepperoni and crackers for lunch instead. Had nachos for dinner that helped me start breathing better but it was medium salsa instead of mild so it triggered my acid reflux and tummy got ticked at me over it even though I took my acid reflux med before eating. I'll check the label better on the salsa for sure next time.
Watched master class on the British bake off.
Took over 7000 steps during the day. (Fitbit tracker).
Hubby got in around 8 and didn't stop talking until close to 10...he isn't much of a talker to begin with. He really enjoyed the day.
Hubby off to deliver the food that was sent back with him yesterday and check on the newest arrival in the community. E's baby brother wife went in to labor so baby should be ready to start meeting everyone especially when he was dropping off food to them anyways.
I have the only load of laundry for the day out on the kitchen porch clothes line.
I turned off the furnace and opened the house to air out.
I need to think about how to change how I store my baking pans etc as I have picked up more and want to start baking more.
I need to get the summer stuff tubs finished packed so Hubby can take it to the barn to store when he gets back
Tummy seems to have forgiven me for yesterday's salsa but not sure what to eat today that won't trigger anything. I haven't ran a fever in 24 hrs... I might have jinxed myself on that.
Did another load of laundry of summer curtains from the bathroom and laundry room. Those winter curtains are now up along with the ones in the lofts.
Fixed quesadillas for dinner after eating toast for lunch. Tummy doing okay.
I straightened part of the bedroom. I still have the dresser to unbury from stuff from when rooms were painted.
Sent Hubby a picture of the east loft attic door that had blew open with the winds. He now has that moved up the to do list as he was looking at doing it late Nov.
THAT was Wednesday and now is MONDAY...
Tomorrow is my last day of antibiotics, I will be back on my biologic YEAH. Never thought I would look forward to getting a shot.
We have been working at getting things done as the weather is turning quickly. Below average temps starting this Friday... after a day of soaking rain and 40 mph gusting winds with the temp dropping to low 30's or high 20s. I feel for the ones out Trick or Treating that night.
We have been eating from the pantry. Not as balanced as I would like but at least we are eating. But neither of us feels up to cooking much.
We got fuel at Krogers using points.
I inventoried the pantry (not freezers). Variety is abundant. So we shouldn't get appetite fatigue. Ten varieties of dried beans, 2 more of canned.Eight different rices and 12 different grains not including corn meal or wheat flours. I have enough fruit and veggies for a couple meals each day NOT counting what has been frozen as I have 3 large deep freezers, 1 small deep freezer (think 6 turkeys and 6 hams size) and 3 refrigerator freezers... all bottom drawer freezers... and yes Hubby decided to keep the old frig that is NOT reliable... it holds things that can handle getting warm and not going bad like mustard and ketchup, etcThe next time it goes down He can be the one to deal with it and that will change his mind LOL.
Best thing is the small deep freezer is almost empty and ready for the turkeys and hams and the one frig freezer only has the peach juice I need to make into syrup and jelly and it will be empty. Didn't think I would ever feel good seeing empty space in my freezers but at this time of year that means I have room for turkeys, hams and desserts.
ANYWAYS.... I have 39 different pastas... and figures when he saw the list he asked why I didn't have the ditalini.... hum...because I haven't found it on sale for the price I am willing to pay for it. We can have a different pasta every week for 39 weeks and he points at 1 that isn't there. SIGH.
We had to go to the store and restock perishables. Decided to stop over to E and M's and ask if they needed anything. E has been trying to get the last cut of hay in, his corn shocked (tee pee the corn stalks to store in the field and pick the corn later off the stalks) with 2 soaking rains in the next couple days and freezing temps along also and M is pregnant with the 4 little ones at home as the older 4 are in school. I didn't see her loading the little ones up to drive the buggy into town and get groceries and back on her own. We got 3 gal of homemade noodles and a warm loaf of fresh bread for going for her.
We get in the store and Hubby checks out the meat sales... I pass the grocery list to him and I go for the meat sales and dairy.
I got the buy one get one sales of beef and had coupons for smoked sausage and bulk sausage so got 10 of each ( total 30 as I got 10 mild bulk and 10 hot bulk and 10 smoked). I got 2 bacon that I had coupons for that was marked down also.
I got 2 bags of frozen chicken that was on sale and I have coupons for both of them. Hubby loaded up his cart with produce that was on sale that we could put in the freezer such as berries and pineapple. He also got coffee,canned mackerel and coke as it was on sale and what I drink. I picked up the dairy after the meat. No sales or coupons there except for the cheese I got 2 packages of thin Swiss cheese as we eat it on casseroles during the fall and winter.
I need to put the inventory on a spread sheet and mark off what I use. I did find that I was low in a couple things that I thought was being kept some where else and it wasn't. I ordered it from Amazon along with another order that was sitting until things went on sale. I can't remember the last time I used my almond extract but I was completely out. I'd spend more in gas that I did by ordering it and I know of 4 recipes Hubby has asked me to make calls for it.
We still have not ordered propane. It's paid for in full so that's not what is holding us up. When I called the other day about ordering it, we aren't down to the OH WE NEED PROPANE mark LOL...she asked if I could call back end of month to order it to be delivered the first week of Nov as they knew the price was going down a bit. Even though I have paid in full we get the lower price but never charged more if it goes above what I paid.
Hubby took down the garden to start pulling up weed barrier so he could mow the whole area.... he found poblano peppers around the cabbage. He told me the cabbage was not good that the worms had gotten it but when he started pulling it up he realized that within a couple layers of leaves the head were good. I have 16 cups of freezer slaw and 11 cabbages tightly wrapped with press and seal wrap in the frig produce drawers of the old frig. I want to finish the last of the cabbage with cabbage lasagna and unrolled cabbage rolls. I want to make for supper Lidia's torte di polenta which is polenta "cake" sliced and filled with a filling of cabbage and potatoes cooked and mashed together with cheese. Old Italian recipe that my Nonna used to make but I forgot about until Hubby had was Lidia cook show on PBS.
Errands are tomorrow as we have chiro. I want to stop at Aldi's that is close to the appt to see if I can fill in the holes...
From My Home to Yours: 2/8/24
From My Home to Yours2/8/25~ Let's talk gardening ~This week has been
filled with doctor appointments, trips to pharmacies for prescription fills
and refi...
1 day ago