Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Update on Wilbur

 He still has symptoms of bronchitis but his lungs (and heart) are clear. So Vet is thinking non bacterial as neither of the other dogs are sick. Meaning... he was breathing something that caused it... like the hazy smoke in the skies or the chemical spray the English farmer across the road sprayed. So another med was added to the first one since he is better but not well and still has next to no voice. At 87 lbs. he looks thin to us *he's always weighed around 95-100 and that was down 50 lbs. from living with Daughter 2* but the vet said that is his healthy weight especially for being 13 yrs only which is also not usual for his breed. 

He likes the one med... I have to hide the other one in a vitamin *which I get for meds only* but I have to give it to him in the morning as this med might cause him to potty in house. 

He is eating decent and willing to walk part way around the perimeter with me once a day.  

A complete change from last Tuesday when we thought we were losing him. Now if he got his energy back (better but not good) and his voice. I would be happier. 

what was frugal this week

 Hubby found work pants for $29, cheaper than the $35-$50 of normal range. He was able to try them on before buying that .. that is a big step for him as usually I have to get them, bring them home and then take them back half the time. 

We ate from pantry and gardens except for a friend's cook out we hadn't seen in 2 yrs. due to covid. We took what we had from the pantry instead of buying stuff at the store.

We used gas buddy to find the cheapest gas.

Hubby stopped at Save A Lot for milk instead of getting it at the gas station when he got fuel. He saved $2/gal. as he checked the price when he went in to get receipt. 

I put a post it note at the paper towels to use dish cloth. I found myself getting a paper towel (half sheet torn in two) to wipe jar edges with vinegar while canning. I used 6 half sheets last week. Zero this week.

I found some old PVC pipe in the garden shed under a bunch of pots that I am giving to an Amish lady.  I am using them in a couple of my garden beds to put row cover over for this winter. 

We  used the grill to keep the  main propane tank usage down to no more than 1 %. If we can keep it at that range we will be able to reduce our amount for the year by 1 tank (300 gals) saving at least $600. 

We paid off two loans that had 8% interest that will save us $60 a month. 

I moved some of the laundry (bedding , furniture throws, dog beds etc.) up from Friday/Saturday to do during the week as rain was to come in over the weekend. So I didn't have to use the dryer or only be able to do one thing a day due to having only 2 drying racks.

I updated the pantry inventory. Adjusted amounts of things still needed. 

I dehydrated basil, cilantro and carrot tops.

I harvested and canned purple beans, green beans, carrots.

I harvested onions to cure and mini eggplants, radishes, blackberries, green onions and cherry tomatoes.

I deadheaded the sunflower so it would grow more flowers and the zinnia that started as 4 plants.

We went over the budget line by line and made adjustments, waited 3 days and went back over it and made more adjustments. Goal is to get house paid off so we can live on Social Security only and use IRAs for medical and big items... like roof or different vehicle. 

How is your week going?