This is a Hoosier cabinet. Hubby has decided to build me one some what like this one. Our contractor actually ran across a flour bin in the trash and snatched and is GIVING it to us with the condition he gets to see the final cabinet. I'll be having it sealed to make it food safe.I don't think it's an original and neither does the contractor but still. Porcelian tables are not made any longer (I have an actually table that is about 100 yrs old) so Hubby is going to do butcher block of the table part.Hubby is looking to put cedar inside the cabinet to help keep pantry moths at bay.
I've been looking at kitchen layouts from 1900-1930s . I found the following pictures at kitchen apartment therapy. I love this site.
1929 apartment ... looks like yellow and green are common kitchen colors through the decades.
1920s kitchen. yellow and blue. Love the china cupboard.
This is Hubby's favorite as it has the Crane sink and the large Hoosier style cabinet. 1929 back to green and with yellow and orange in the flooring and accents on doors
1900-1920... this reminds me of what was there when we first looked at the house and its my favorite
the bump outs remind me of 209, it's the reverse of ours but still... Some green and orange in this one.
Being frugal with dealing this house (even if we didn't have the money going out for electric, heat, plumbing etc we would be frugal) is time consuming at times. I research for the best deals from my need to buy list, get used or on sales or with rebates. Tracking what we buy is necessary for when we sell it (or the kids do after we die) to lower the capital gains tax. We are pretty much at the point of having to wait to we can start working on the house (after closing). We also look at this as a 30 yr investment and already had set the payment with taxes, ins etc to be BELOW what social security would pay if we took it early at age 62 so we wouldn't be stressed about paying medical ins and the house or having to go back to work like several we know.Some are thinking we are nuts with what is going on with the stock market and being retired and then spending a small fortune on a home but we planned for this expense 10 years ago and still are remaing under budget (shock there). A close friend said something about being on a fixed income and I reminded them that they were working and on a fixed income as they are on salary AND could be laid off tomorrow without benefits. Nothing is certain ever except we live and die.He went home and told his wife he was retiring out and they needed to figure out what to do to stay in the home when they got older.
The home inspector has went through and the HUD appraiser also has, so now it's wait for the paperwork and the final amount we need for down payment and closing costs.
Sometimes it is overwhelming with appointments and shopping and decision making, other times it just drags forever.
Brief Announcement!
Due to a family member medical emergency, I am unable to do any blogging
for the time being. I'll be back as soon as the family member is out of the
5 days ago