Our contractor looked over the 203k rehab loan and noticed there was a contingency part that was set aside. If not used, it reduces the loan but does NOT lower our payment. Said with the deducting the stuff we purchased out of pocket, he was pretty sure the money we saved him from buying it (listed in the loan) and the contingency part would pretty close pay for the extra work we wanted but was going to put off. His men being already there so that saves us time and work on our side. He will now be painting ceilings, walls and woodwork of the colors of our choice and refinishing the wood floors AND replacing a section of the barn roof while they are there since they have the construction dumpster. Let's us keep our money invested to make those payments.
These are storm windows the seller made as the windows are single pane. He offered to make us more if needed (he thought all were there) for the cost of materials if they aren't there.
His wife had a drying wheel.
We ordered our French patio doors and asked about installation charges. They wanted $500 more than our contractor so our contractor got the job of installation.
We tore out several shelving units and a closet unit to reuse through the house. Need to paint them but still saved us $1887.00 . Part of what I tore out...
IF I hadn't need a bathroom with a tub I would have left this the dry goods pantry. His wife has a bike rim to hang socks from to dry.She offered to connect me with the person that made hers when we moved to 209
hers also has hanging clips to put socks on and she had the baby's clothes hung on the inside circle.
Our appliances are in that we ordered and so is the sink but got a phone call last night that for what ever reason the stove wasn't in and they are pushing to have it before the end of the month... the 1953 Crane sink fell through 😕, I don't know who was more disappointed me or my contractor.
UPDATE, when we picked up the appliances that was in and the 11% rebate was on so we got the wood for the electic back board (it's a wooden board, think bill board, that is close to the electric pole that will be up at the house that the meter goes on, there will be 2 boxes " think breaker box without the breakers, one for the power that goes to house and barn (which will have breaker boxes)and one to hook the generator to so we can build it a "shelter" and leave it in place. Helps me not have to move it as it is VERY heavy to the box and Hubby don't have to have it at the barn.We got a new mailbox as when we get the mail to take to the Sellers we noticed the mailbox was rusted pretty bad.This one has a flipper that comes up when someone opens the box so you can tell if you have mail. We might have to add to it to be able to see it from the house.We also got a new grill , smaller that is just big enough for the two of us but okay if we only have one of the kids and their family over. We also got a electric smoker that uses wood chips (we have PLENTY of wood chips) The grill is a one piece grill and smoker. Was great when we had kids still coming around regularly but not now as they don't and we understand it as we are over an hour away from them and will be still when we move to 209 especially with them in low paying jobs and the price of gas. We try to go to them and see all or most of them at one time. That's also hard to do as they all work different shifts and their kids are busy with activities on weekends... I remember my parents telling me that would happen unless we all lived in the same area... kids are definitely CITY, couple of them BIG city and we are still just old country folk. THE BEST NEWS at Menards was when ... we checked out and it came to over $500.. and we paid ZERO.... yep ZERO as I had saved up enough rebates. We will still get around $50 in rebate.
We are going to take our grill over so we can heat coffee, water, food up on it. Hubby plans to put it in the barn were we can move it to use and yet store it.
Hubby found cheaper fencing to make a temporary dog area so the dogs can go with us so they are not cooped up in the house or Charlotte in a cage. We should be able to reuse the fence around the garden...not to keep deer out as it isn't high enough but to keep Wilbur out as he thinks plants is where he needs to do his business and Charlotte who thinks anything plant is a toy.
Sellers let me know there are Asparagus , rhubarb and just remembered there was also strawberries. We told them they could come get some of all of it to start those at their new home as I have strawberries and rhubarb I will be bringing myself.
I mended a pair of pants.
Hubby darned 3 pairs of socks.
I dried 3 small loads of clothes on the drying rack.
I got the electric down my $70 by insisting Daughter2 pay anything over the budgeted amount. Surprising how she changed how she was running the electric heater in her room.
We have ate leftovers that was shoved in the freezers for most of the week, I have a nice white spot in the kitchen frig freezer. I will refill it from the other freezer. I am going to have to get milk today or tomorrow.
We use gas buddy to find the cheapest gas and are still under budet for that with running back and forth from 209.
We took a break with our friends who needed a break as they are repainting their entire inside of the house on their own at the local Chinese restaurant I had a $5 coupon off 2 dinners.
Have a blessed Day.
From My Home to Yours: 1/17/25
From My Home to Yours1/17/25~ it's been another cold, cold week & I may or
may not be a little bit chatty in this week's post ... just saying! ~The
6 days ago