Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Goals for May

On top of working and running the house etc we have decided on the following goals

Save and earn enough to pay July's bills.

ONLY buy dairy or fresh produce needed this month.


put deck on which will also finish the gravel

delivery what ever furniture Son 2 takes that was Dad's

do the odd jobs he has been putting off to do with Son 2

Yard mow or if it keeps raining it might be bale hay.

Get the garden in

Straighten the fence along road

remove old doghouse since the other neighbor decided he didn't want it and E said he could burn as kindling.

Put the smoker together to stop his wife (ME) from nagging.


nag Hubby about smoker.

go through 2 boxes a week minimum of stuff... that makes it done in a year but I really see me doing more.

Contact ins about processing biologic

Contact Paint co about dealing with this bad paint

schedule energy audit

defrost and organize 3 deep freezers

finish cleaning the last 2 1/2 shelves in pantry

clear garden shed so E can move it to his place.

clear old chicken coop so H can move it to his place.

plant flowers at windmill

get garden in

find straight pins so I can sew the warm weather curtains.

sew warm weather curtains.

Frugal at store May groceries

First... the old trailer has sold so that covers June's bills. So we are working on July which is NICE since Hubby will be deep sea fishing during a week in June.

Since May's bills are paid including what medical bills were in, I think there is 2 left going through ins still.... I had EXTRA grocery money. We together checked what we had and talked about what we wanted.

We decided against freezing asparagus. Don't like mushy asparagus and we know we don't like canned unless it's pickled... So I am pickling asparagus we don't eat fresh or give to family.

Since we were over to Sidney yesterday for doctor appt we felt we should go to Aldi's for groceries for May's groceries. Hubby stopped over and said something to E & M asking if they needed anything. The WHOLE family as in parents, 6 adult children and spouses and all their kids was coming over to have a work day, cutting wood, making repairs, sewing etc. We ended up with a list (Thanks to M it was on 1 list not 7). Hubby took care of their list. I did ours. Since we have been asked repeatedly what Amish buy at Aldi's... veg oil, saltine crackers, powdered sugar, celery .iceberg lettuce,cream cheese and butter if less than $2.60/lb. I have seen them get bananas and whipped topping.

I got :

Milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, and 3 "bars" of cheese. I got Greek vanilla yogurt that less than a gallon of milk which would make the same amount of yogurt.

lemons, limes, oranges, kiwis , and a pineapple, strawberries(to make Daddy a strawberry rhubarb pie for his 92nd birthday on the 3rd) bananas, mangoes and fresh figs. Avocados.

Cherry tomatoes (anti pasta salad) Roma tomatoes for salads(cucumber tomato salad etc) and tomatoes for BLT's

Hamburger for taco meat

Thin chicken breast for satay

Chicken breast for the grill for me

Chicken thighs for the grill for Hubby

Prosciutto and speck for a couple recipes Hubby wants to take to a cookout at end of month.

Waffles and pancakes and hash brown patties...not something I normally buy but Hubby asked for them since we just finished what I had fixed for the freezer and it's not something I normally fix at dinner time during the summer.

Celery, carrots, potatoes, garlic (completely out of what I grew), radishes, broccoli, green onions, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce and mushrooms. I really think I need a "green house or hoop house" for winter/early spring growing.

I bought bread products that I will freeze and bag in servings for us instead of the whole package. Hubby feels at this time with dealing with all the boxes and stuff on top of gardens that my time is better put towards those items and not towards baking all our breads. I got 1 loaf of sliced bread (as Daddy calls it) 2 pkgs croissants, 2 pkgs of bagels, 2 pkgs of English muffins, 2 pkgs of sub buns, 2 pkgs of hamburger buns,and 2 pkgs of hot dog buns. Actually that should last most of the summer. Tortilla wraps... 8 inch for wraps/enchiladas/burritos   and 6 inch for tacos .

total came to $292.24...