In next 10 days, the majority temperatures will be starting in single digits and not raising to even 32℉ with winds 20 mph steady and gusts over 35 mph in forecast.
E came over last night to check to make sure we had enough wood ready for the stove. He knows we have the furnace for back up. We do and if we don't, Hubby already moved the splitter into the barn and the wood wagon that has wood to be split in it is under the over hang of the barn outside the door where he put the splitter.
We usually load 2-2 1/2 days of day and night time wood in house with 2-2 1/2 days of day and night time wood on front porch. We have 40 lbs of coal in garden wagon on front porch as we sometimes add it to the night time wood. Five days from now the low is to be 1℉ and the high 12℉ with winds around 20 mph. Neither of us want to be loading wood or coal in on that day. I am already looking around to see where I can store the second cart of day wood in the house so the night wood (heavier and bigger than day wood) can stay close to the stove.
I got a curtain in the loft that came down that needs put back up today. We usually leave the upstairs open with the wood stove (or we end up opening doors to let the heat out) but with the winds and arctic cold... I will be closing the upstairs off.
Barn has been holding around 40℉ but with this coming in, I need to move the last of the onions in house as it will drop big time.
Hope everyone is safe, warm and fed.
Prayers for peace
Blessed be