Garden: harvested 3 heads of cabbage, harvested green onions, harvested radishes. Planted bush green beans, radishes and more green onions. Used clothes pins to pull outer leaves to cover cauliflower.
Preserving: dehydrated oregano.
Sewing: mended Trenton's shorts and Patrick's shorts. Sewed button on Trenton's other shorts.Mended Patrick's new pillowcase that he stabbed with Lego sword causing holes, he won't do that again.
Cooking: made treats for the kids instead of buying them. Been awhile since I had to be in that mode. :)
Service to others: helped find a honey supplier for a friend that can't use any other sweetener and her supplier lost 60% of their bee hive due to our last winter. Shared some of the garden harvest with a family that is struggling to put food on the table and their own garden isn't doing well.
Organization: broke down the to do list in to different areas so I can focus on what is most important first and not just what annoys me the most.
Blogging: read my favorite blogs and wrote my own for my own blog.
Next week's goals:
Organization : my desk, 3 boxes of papers,the garage and my sewing room.
Gardening: weeded, fertilized and plant fall crops.
Sewing: start on insulated curtains or making winter curtains,catch up on mending.
Preserving: cauliflower, cabbage, oregano, parsley, radishes, and onions.
Service to Others: help my daughter and older grandson paint his room. Send recipe for homemade noodles to my Dad.
Cooking: granola bars,cookies,ice cream, possible noodles and bread.
Blogging: post 2 - 3 times including pictures and check out new blogs of being frugal/gardening/sewing.
Blessed Be
From My Home to Yours: 3/7/25
From My Home to Yours3/7/25~ join us for a morning in the kitchen ~One
morning this week I was in the kitchen for the purpose of trying out a new
to me g...
3 days ago
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