in the house. Opened up the house and aired it out AFTER I turned off the furnace for awhile. I hope it blew out some of the germs. I should have stock in Kleenex.
We got pizza out the other day , spent $20.00 and it has already been used in 4 meals and another is in the freezer from it. I feel that's not bad as I added salad etc as sides with it.
I reworked the menu to put in what was not ate last month.
Tonight it roasted turkey, mainly because I needed the freezer room for left overs or what is now plan overs for when I am in the gardens next month and April.Sour cream and chive potatoes and a couple other veggies along with pickles, pickled hot cauliflower and beets.
Tuesday Fat Tuesday...pancakes for bfast of course HA HA and Jambalaya for dinner. No King cake, we don't care for it that much but I might add some snicker doodle cookies from the freezer.
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday but it's also our anniversary so it's prime rib roast,CA blend veggies and baked sweet potato as that is Hubby's favorite. Brownies as I have a craving for them...might add mini choc chips.
Thursday is Chinese New Year....egg rolls, potstickers, fried rice, There is a frozen chicken dish and a frozen beef dish to be reheated.
Friday we will be driving Pat to his Dad's so we thought we would swing by the restaurant that we were given a $25 gift card to and use it. I will see if I can find any coupons for there also.
Have a blessed week
From My Home to Yours: 3/14/25
From My Home to Yours3/14/25~ a week of making everything count ~On Monday
I cleaned out the refrigerator of leftovers. I found about a half cup of
11 hours ago
Hope you had a happy anniversary!