To have the last of the house winterized by Dec 4th.
To have the house done decorated for Yule and Christmas by Dec 5th.Hubby celebrates St Nick's day.
To have all the gifts, cookies and candy done by the 18th and delivered.
To see Hubby's parents and my dad.
To see a friend that is coming in from out of state that has spent this whole year fighting breast cancer.
To not stress out over the amount of medical appts I have this month. Keeping in mind that our ins is paying for it this year and they won't be paying as good next year.
To start and complete the afghan for my great grandson.
To do some sewing beyond mending.
To eat...yeah really , after 50 some years of only eating one meal a day and a high calorie snack and living on coffee ...I am focusing on eating and eating healthy,
To walk the dogs three times a day
To eat from our pantry. I know of three times we will be eating out. One a company party( no costs to us), another with our son when he comes to visit at his request (favorite restaurant) and once with my Dad who will want to go to Bob Evans for his sausage gravy and biscuits. I would like to hold it to that though I could see another one in there depending on time of travel and meeting our friend.
From My Home to Yours: 3/2/25
From My Home to Yours3/2/25~ You know it's spring when the chickens start
laying again! ~Just like that, we went from getting 3 - 4 eggs per week to
6 - 8...
3 days ago
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