for a week and almost dies and ends up at the doctor's office as an emergency(cousin is nurse and it got him faster treatement going through herand his doctor) and gets put in the nursing home because of it and THEN cleans every single plate they put in front of him including of food he SWORE to you he couldn't eat and swallow and takes his meds , even asks for them.....GRRR...SIGH.
Still I realize he is roaming around at night, to the point my cousin thought he saw him out in the middle of the night when it was in the teens in his underwear but by time my cousin got dressed and over to the house (they are neighbors) he couldn't find Daddy and the house was dark and doors were locked as he checked but there was bare footed prints in the snow. Nursing staff said he is not sleeping during the day (20 min nap at 3 pm, been doing that for 70 yrs) and maybe 4 hrs total during the night as he sleeps 2 hrs , up and then sleeps another 2. They are wondering if his meds are doing it and are looking at changing them.Hopefully it will get figured out and he will be able to go home. He is going to be 91 on May 3rd.
On the way home,Hubby and I talked about his parents, they don't eat right, too much snacks,candy and pop along with not eating veggies and fruit, maybe one meal a day at that plus just sitting all day and napping 2-4 and then can't sleep at night....His dad actually got a doctor's order to GET up every 20 min and walk for 10 as he was having troubles breathing and it was from nothing more than sitting too much.
THEN we talked about ourselves...sigh...Hubby 98 % of the time takes his meds as soon as he gets up. ONCE IN A GREAT while....he will miss, usually when he has blood work and forgets to take them when he gets back.
I on the other hand miss a lot of mine, Not my Crohn's meds or heart meds, I get those EVERY day. but the others .... I take meds 4 times a day and what I have found is I miss the 2 pm and the dinner meds if we are NOT home for dinner. So I found a small glass jar I had that I can put a day's worth of meds in and carry with me so I can take my meds. I have to eat with them so I will also need to start carrying something with me all the time.
EATING... we both suck. I have meds I have to take first thing in the morning, I can't eat for 2 hrs after, by that time I'm off and running with the day and not stopping until lunch.Lunch is a 50/50 ...if not at a place I can stop like the other day when I was gutting somethings on 209 to clear it for the crew that was on their way there or if I didn't pack anything , lunch gets passed. IF I miss lunch I eat something at 2 pm (along with meds) which is usually just a couple fig newtons or granola bar for my meds.Dinner is depending...big lunch, no dinner, no lunch, good (probably too much )dinner. 7 pm I crave get pass that part I have switched to tea and going to bed to read, which really works as then I am asleep by 9 and the dogs get me up at 4-5:15 am....I actually have an alarm that tells me to PUT THE BOOK DOWN as I would stay up ALL night reading.
Today shocking to both of us since we were late getting back in what was to be an hour round trip to pick up new stove came in because a 3 hr trip, they couldn't find the stove, I came straight in and fixed lunch and told Hubby to wait to unload until we ate.Had 2 fig newtons for 2 pm meds and not sure what we will have for dinner as NEITHER of us are hunry since lunch ended up at 1 instead of 11:30.. BUT HEY I haven't missed any meds.
Maybe scrambled eggs and biscuits for dinner?
Blessed Be
From My Home to Yours: 3/7/25
From My Home to Yours3/7/25~ join us for a morning in the kitchen ~One
morning this week I was in the kitchen for the purpose of trying out a new
to me g...
4 days ago
Oh boy. My parents are that hard headed, too. Meds or malnutrition are going to kill our elderly before anything else. And I am convinced they are thinning the elderly population with the flu shots. How many of them are forgetting they had the shot and getting multiples of them every year since you can get them at any grocery store or pharmacy? My late MIL survived cancer and refused to take meds but lived on saltine crackers and coffee for about two years before she died. The doc said malnutrition killed her. My Dad loves nothing more than getting a new med especially if it is brand new on the market. All he does is sleep and refuses to eat. We ditched tradition medicine 7 years ago since all the answers we could get was pills. We wanted to get better and we have. I lived on a cocktail of drugs and am now med free. I hope we can keep eating well and avoid the pitfalls of growing older because it is a slippery slope we all live on as we age. And we have gotten so bad about eating lunch at 1 or 2 just because we putz around here and don't get around to it. We do eat our regular menu planned supper though because otherwise we wake up starving at 3 AM.
ReplyDeleteMy Daddy losthis mommy and buried her on his 16th bday... withdrawl from her polio meds. He was okay with 1/2 metaformin for his diabetes because he definitely did a lifestyle change to bring it down naturally and had for 30 yrs.
ReplyDeleteHis doctor found he was taking a med she had took him off last year. Brother thought he was out of the med but found out he had some put back and the pharmancy had not been notified to remove what refills was still sitting there so he was still getting them until this month. I always notify the pharmancy, probably because I have friend that works one and told me to do it. Funny he quit eating, quit taking his meds, BUT kept taking his sugar every morning and mentioned to brother that his sugar was starting to creep up , might need to go to doctor to see if he needed more than 1/2 metaformin since he wasn't working out and walking anymore.
This has happened with my Dad, too. He can't hear so he does not always understand what he is supposed to do with meds. Doc took him off one med and replaced it with another but Dad kept taking the first one and ended up in the hospital because of the double meds.
ReplyDeleteHave you read 'Driving Miss Norma'? Really interesting read about our aging parents and allowing them to make choices. I bought it and read it and sent it to my sister. Mom saw it at her house and took it home and read it aloud. This finally opened up the conversation to some things that needed to be decided by them and now they finally realize that they need help. Before that it was like my sister and I were just banging our heads on the wall with them.
My brother's text this morning started with "that sound you hear is your 17 yr old neice banging her head on the wall about her dad who didn't eat dinner last night or take his meds" HA HA It's HIS daughter and he is a diabetic...he fell asleep sitting on the couch after workign 12 hrs and they didn't think to wake him up and make sure he had ate and took his meds.... He is 69, I told him 6 more years of that she'll put him in the nursing home.
DeleteLOL! My Mom now has an injectable drug for my diabetic Dad. His blood sugar drops too low and then she cannot get him to wake up so when that happens she is to give him the shot. He WILL wake up and eat something if Mom threatens him with the shot.