Monday, March 16, 2020

sheltered in place

No I am not sick, just doctors agreed it was best for me to shelter in place (granddaughter calls it home prison) .

I am a home body to begin with, when I get cabin fever a good ride in the dog truck with the 3 dogs usually blows it away.

I might miss my granddaughter's baby shower ( I was at her first one, this one is "sprinkle" shower for basics like wipes (which I have) etc). But she is a NURSE so definitely understands...

I want to stay current with the news but not be sucked into the depression of it. I keep Hubby up to date as the Amish he is around is counting on him to keep them current with this news.

I don't want to focus on what I don't have but the blessings I do have.

I imagine our elders had many a new way of life.... WW1 and WW2, Great Depression. Spanish flu pandemic which was the worst one that lasted 2 yrs.

SO take care, stay safe, make sure information you pass on is correct. I've nailed a couple friends on FB for false information. FACT NOT FEAR needs to be the motto right along with THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Blessed Be


  1. We are sheltering too since my husband is in the high risk group with his heart. Our wonderful neighbors have told us that they will shop for us. This is a huge blessing. They have five kids and were down to the last TP tonight so my husband put some out on the front steps and told them to come and get it. We are so thankful for them since we have no family here in town. We will be going out for a drive tomorrow or we are going to go loco! My Mom compared this to the fear of the polio epidemic.

    1. My grandmother, mother in law and the neighbor where I grew up all caught polio. Hubby is still working but taking a lot of precautions of distancing himself and hand washing.

  2. I remember seeing pictures of those giant artificial lung machines and the people who were going to spend a lifetime in them. I was just a kid and was absolutely terrified.

  3. So any projects in the works? Did you get those seedlings planted?
