Thursday, December 2, 2021

Last month of the year

The lights are all up (Hubby did a great job again with the outdoor lights) and I have started the list of what needs replaced. Son 2 is going to give us his tree as the lights don't work any more and he is tired of fixing them (added a strand to get him through this Christmas) so he is going to get a tree AFTER Christmas. 

Our Army grandson MIGHT get to come home from over seas for Christmas...the Army Nonna does not see it happening with the new covid crap, the civilian Nonna prays it does.  When you have been an Army Mom for twenty years you know how that goes. If he doesn't get to come home I will send his Christmas money to him as he said he is saving for a new car when he comes out in 3 yrs. I did order the prime rib for Christmas eve. BUT anything else is on hold until we find out if he is coming stateside.

Hubby is trying to lose weight. He lost 8 lbs. and then gained 6 lbs. back (I think he forgot to take his work boots which weigh 3 lbs. off this time). He started paying attention to how many steps he takes a day. Days he works hauling he gets the average of 6,000. Days at home, was 2,000. He said he lost count of how many times I have told him he was being lazy as he actually drove down the lane to get the mail, drove next door to talk to E or wanted to get the tractor to pick up something that he could easy pull in the wagon by hand. He realized he was really being lazy. Said something to his Dad and his Dad told him that is good part of why he went down hill with his own health. I also pointed out how much snacking his parents do especially before they go to bed. Hubby is going to sleep at 8:15 (was 9:15 during daylight saving time and more often I am turning off the tv and lights because he fell asleep with the remote in his hand when getting ready to set the timer for 30 mins. on the tv) and gets up at 4 am (was 5 am).  At least he is now paying attention and trying to get more steps in.  We moved dinner up to before 5 unless he is working and then it's either soup or a light supper. Days he is not working our big meal of the day is lunch. 

We are down to 167 items on the punch list. Probably will not start back on that until March  or April. February and beginning of March is pruning time.

We changed the budget for the 50th million time. Hubby said he wanted to focus on getting the mortgaged paid off. I told him how it had to be and both IRA guys backed me.

We are ending the year in better financial place since Hubby is still hauling 3- 5 days a week. Usually at this time he is down to 1 or 2. So it is nice to not have to cover the bills of the business. He has enough "net" he could cover the expenses of the business for the winter which is usually slow until April. He has 3 years payments left on his truck. He is 3 months ahead on it. He plans to continue the business until the truck is paid off.

On the sad note, we have had four deaths, 2 of the young men friends of the kids/grandkids gunned down with a random shooting. One of the kids friends wrecked after getting drunk and high, the people he hit are recovering  and another killed himself after hearing his parents one more time arguing over child support. His note was "Problem solved" Probably a good thing his parents are not one of my kids or I would be in jail for beating them.


  1. Those young deaths are heart wrenching. How people can have children together, then use them as weapons against each other makes me sick. Not a military mom, but I am beginning to doubt it will work for my son to travel. I feel like his work will have huge restrictions f people leave the state, and he'd be forced to quarantine before being on a film set-losing up to two weeks of pay.

  2. that was part of my thought about our grandson traveling, last time he spent 2 wks before in quarantine and 2 wks after.

  3. That story about the young person's suicide just filled me with grief.
