Monday, March 28, 2022

What I am doing??? warnings of shortages

Pond has ice on it at the edges about 6 ft from bank. Not thick so will melt with the afternoon sun. E said the maple sap is still running a bit so he might get a bit more to cook down for syrup.

 Researched making cheese as Hubby really want this ... until I figured out the cost and how much cheese he would have to eat so it didn't go to waste. He decided we would just go to the cheese stores over around Holmes co like the Amish here do. Since he is already over there every other month anyways but I did mention it could be a good day trip for us to get away from the house and we could pack a picnic for lunch.

Dealt with an attempt to hack my phone AVG caught the malware and then a threat to wipe out my computer... Glad Son 2 talked me into getting Norton as they dealt with it on the computer.

Got a list of what the gov't thinks will be in short supply... they are adding to it each day it seems.

Anything in plastic, metal cans or glass. That takes in bottle water, sodas, booze, 

coffee (again that comes in plastic )


toilet paper

paper towels (I guess maybe feminine products will be next on that list???)

dish soap/laundry soap

Clorox, Lysol etc. wipes 

shampoo and conditioner/deo. 

cooking oils



cheese* especially cream cheese* after reading how it's made I understand it.

milk (probably all dairy)


flour and mixes made with flour... pasta, bread, cake, pie crusts... anything made with flour like cereal also... gravy mixes... some salad dressings.

corn ... corn products *corn meal, corn starch etc.

Beef, pork, poultry and eggs. They eat wheat or corn. 

dog food (made with corn, wheat etc.)

Imports will be slowed down most likely also.

Instead of inventorying my pantry, I just wrote down what was missing and how much. I am still working on that and trying to figure out where to get it if we don't grow it.

I ordered toilet paper as I was already told it's next to nothing around around here.

I will get sugar tomorrow when we are at doctor appts and running errands. I will also pick up Vernor's ginger soda, coke and sprite. I usually don't pick that up until closer to July 4th but with shortages looming I will get it now.

I dehydrated the last 2 pumpkins and ground that up for powder. I made apple sugar (dehydrated apple sauce with no sugar).I still have some apples from last fall in the frig to deal with this week.

I ordered a butter crock. Hubby doesn't like "softening" his butter in the microwave and we use real butter. So I ordered what my grandmother used and Nonna used. I went through The Prudent Homemaker site

We were  starting to work on moving stuff around in the freezers so we could start defrosting them as we are getting ready for garden to start up. I freeze peas, snow peas, corn and asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower and some carrots and some cole slaw. I freeze strawberries, black berries, blue berries, red raspberry (hope to get black raspberries this year), jams  and some fruit for mixed fruit pies.

Had several of plastic bins, paper sacks, cardboard boxes, cloth bags etc. bust on us so after a day of researching and another of pricing we ordered wire bins. We are starting with the barn freezer to see how we like them. Lack of organization in the chest freezers bugs the crap out of me. Hubby just digs through and doesn't put things back in the container it was in so everything ends up jumbled together and it's a hunt and find every time.

 Hubby decided he wanted a list on a clip board of what was in each freezer. I went with a clip board per freezer. AND then to mark the top of each freezer of each meat. Like freezer one be pork, freezer two be beef, freezer three be poultry. Leaving the barn freezer out of that line. He thought that was great. And then the rest of the freezer be fruit and veggies etc. Maybe cheese and nuts in the barn freezer... he decided he wanted to keep track of the pantry also... I told him that meant HE had to mark off stuff when he went down and got it NOT just tell me. He is still thinking of that and started looking at Excel sheet to do that. 

I will be transplanting some of the seedlings from the grow cart later today. 

How is your week going?

Prayers for peace.

Blessed be


  1. What site are you using for the shortage list? I should track as well. So far, we're not seeing shortages really, but increasing prices.

    1. there are several but even President Biden has brought it up. Just Google "shortages 2022". Can be overwhelming.

  2. Hey thanks for the list, I am going to stock up on a few things this week.

  3. I was trying to get a grip on your list of shortages, but I finally realized EVERYTHING was pretty much on it.

    I'm laughing at your hubby planning on just mentioning to you what he takes out of the basement pantry so it' your reponsibilty to keep track of it. I used to live with two sons and a husband and they all did that to me. They wanted things well organized so we didn't run out of stuff that they liked, but they wanted ME to do it. I made a rule they could not tell me what was needed, they had to write it on the list.

    My husband is good about that now. I have no idea how my middle aged sons are now handling it. :)

    1. My kids have a dry eraser attached to their frigs (all white) and the grandkids and kids just write it on the frig. Whom ever is doing the shopping just takes a pic with their phone to go to the store.

  4. My feminine products are in short supply, hard to find. I have a stockpile of all the things on your list of items about to be scarce. However, I still buy loss leaders and bogo. I only have one freezer to keep track and it drives me crazy. I wish I had another, but Tommy would shoot straight up and explode. I keep a stick of butter in a covered container out of the refrigerator. We use it soon enough it does not spoil and it is soft all the time.

  5. I saw your comment over at A Working Pantry and I so appreciate the prayers.

    Well that list just about covers everything! Flour is now $8 for 5 pounds here except Aldi. Sam's is pretty much sold out. We have been hauling it home and tried to get another freezer but there are none except small chest freezers which is not what we need or have a place for. We were able to buy 10 pounds of ground beef for 1.99 a pound today and 6 pounds of chicken thighs at .99 a pound. Thighs have been hard to find.

    We will do all we can and trust we have enough.

    1. Keep me update Lana, I have you and yours on our prayer chain. We were going to get rid of our small chest freezer and decided against it when Hubby saw what was going to be in shortages.
