Friday, April 7, 2023

And here we go

 I have to be careful or I will trigger the crap again with over doing it BUT

Here we go

We have to tear down the old wire fence (E said he will take it because he has a spot he needs wire fencing) and add 7 posts and install the cattle panels. Think 16 ft long , 50 inches high of wire fencing.

We have to plant 12 different rose bushes and 2 elderberry bushes (with 2 more to be planted next year).

We have 7 blueberry bushes to plant in the large grow bags.

We have 4-5 varieties of potatoes to plant.

We have to add cattle panels to existing berry rows and then make 2 more rows for the 2 varieties I just ordered of black raspberries. I also have red raspberries and golden raspberries to replace vines that didn't make it.

We have horseradish coming in to plant.

I have 5 apple mints and 5 orange mints to plant.

I have hummingbird pollinator garden to build and plant

I have bee pollinator garden to build and plant

I have butterfly pollinator garden to build and plant

I have a heart shaped garden to plant ... thinking cutting flowers ...

I have to transplant the walking onions 

We have 6 strawberry beds to build and restart the strawberries.

I have 6 hanging pots I am planting dwarf peas in to see if they work as well as I read.

I have peas, lettuces, greens, radishes, carrots, beets and maybe onions  if  Yoder's has them in, to plant this coming week.

Weather forecast is to be warmer every day ending in the 80s (I am considered north west here in Ohio. That warm is not common for early April)


I have to make sure I am not over stretching stomach muscles and triggering cramps. Like two of the kids have just did after getting over the crap.


  1. Please take care of yourself. Your ambition is inspiring. I really appreciate your sharing your experience in comments in my few posts. You know, though I feel you had to handle 10 times what I do. But you understand grief is grief and can't be compared.

  2. You are very busy. Spring keeps us busy here as well. I'm sorry that you were sick. Try to take it easy as much as you can. A heart shaped garden sounds wonderful. Actually it all sounds just beautiful.

  3. You seem to plant vast amounts of food. What do you do with it all?

  4. Even one of the items on your list would strain every muscle I have! I really want blueberries!

  5. Your list sounds alot like mine. I normally plant my potatoes on Good Friday but it was so cold and then the seed potatoes we got are slow to "wake up." Then it was in the high 80s, and windy. I decided to just wait and I'll be planting my brassicas this week. Onions, sugar snap peas, greens, carrots and beets also. Potatoes probably by the weekend.
    I have lots of pollinator flower seeds so will plant those along the edges of the main garden and some up in the flower bed & berm.
    I've tried to plant blueberries without success so this year I ordered Serviceberry bushes. They are native to my area, so I'm hopeful they will take off. The Aronia and Elderberry do well here. Dh & I looked at edging brick/rocks to redo some of the beds around the house and up by the generator. And then paint for the barn doors and fences. Work never stops but it's worth it for good food and beautiful farm.
    Kay in Nebraska
