Monday, May 15, 2023

I still need to...

 replant cherry tomatoes that have out grown their pot and plant the cucumbers (4 inch ones) in a pot also.

Hubby finished putting together the last 4 beds we have space for. He will fill them with dirt today. Mostly will be for late summer early fall crops. 

Days now will be weed/harvest/process/plant. Along with laundry/dishes/ meals 

Beyond that it's what ever I can get to. I thought I was going to get a good rainy day Saturday to clean house and prep... instead I was planting because it didn't rain enough to stop that. But at least the main part is growing.

Asparagus is done mostly. Might get one or two meals out of it before they all are ferned out.

I need to harvest rhubarb

Strawberries have bloomed and are starting.

As of today we saw the first blooms on the blackberries

We saw our first hummingbird yesterday, a female that was more interested in the hanging baskets than the hummingbird feeder. Hubby said she was saying Happy Mother's day and thank you for her Mother's day flowers LOL.

Since we didn't get the rain out on Saturday I finished planting the big gardens. 

Sunday I planted the heart garden bed I bought for myself. It has annuals and perennials. 

I really need to start the spring cleaning. But today is Monday. That is clean 3 frigs, put anything away that hasn't been and take trash to the road. I still need to bake bread and a spice cake. BUT refilling the hummingbird feeders comes first.

Stay safe

Prayers for peace

Blessed Be


  1. I am in awe of your productivity! I am in between homes, camping in my old house and hoping to move into my new home Thursday afternoon. The good news is that there aren’t any chores yet;). Love the heart shape garden, what a nice thing to see ;). Hilogene in Az

    1. Really hope you don't have many chores in the new home.

  2. We have a pair of hummingbirds nesting in the holly outside our living room window. This is a first that we have known of a nest here. It is quite the event!

  3. I thought you meant you dug and planted a heart shape. I love the planter. I need to go lie down after reading your chores.

  4. I too am in love with the heart shaped garden..never seen one before. So many things to do outside it's hard for me to do the inside somedays!
