Saturday, September 16, 2023

Hubby has had a heart attack.

 He was edging the back field where the roses are. Came in and said he was cold. He was working in the sun, he should have been on the warm side. I took his temp... it was 95. He went to the potty and came out and told me he was going to drive himself to urgent care. 

First clue was the low temp the second clue he wasn't thinking straight was he was going to drive himself. I got him in around 2 pm. They did the blood test that shows if you are having a heart attack. YEP. Then they got a ER doctor raising cane because the cardo that is at another hospital wasn't sending ambulance to get him and their ambulance wasn't equipped.

Cardo doctor is coming in this morning. I am going to go take a nap because he's been calling me every 2 hours after they sent me home.

Prayers please


  1. Prayers for your hubby. Hope he is doing better soon.

  2. Hope your husband recovers soon! Take care of yourself. Prayers have been sent. Barb

  3. Praying! and will continue to pray (for both of you). Really enjoy your blog and have followed you for a couple of years but I am not one who comments. Will be looking for update on "Hubby." Take care of yourself so you can later take care of him.

  4. Oh my goodness! You and your husband will be in my thoughts... I'm so sorry. I'm hoping and praying it was minor and he'll be home recovering very very soon!

  5. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» of course. For him and for you.

  6. Please I am begging you to call an ambulance if this ever happens again! I am praying!

  7. Sorry! Hope your husband will be okay. Hugs

  8. I am so sorry about your husband's heart attack. You have my prayers; him for a good recovery, and you for the strength to endure this.

  9. Sending prayers for both of you.

  10. I am so very sorry to hear about your husband. He has certainly been through the wringer lately. I hope he recovers well and wish you both peace and comfort.

  11. Oh dear Juls! It's been such a year for you! I'll definitely keep him and you in prayer!

  12. I am just now reading this on Sunday. That is scary.
