Sunday, December 31, 2023

Goals for 2024

I plan to try to keep up with the Amish instead of the Jones. SNICKERING. 

WHY? Because Hubby is worried he will die from heart issues and I will struggle to pay the house off.  I already set the budget on what would be coming in if he died since I have already been a widow and dealt with that but also the widow on the other side of E, had to give up her own car (had payment) and the house phone due to her hubby's death. She hates his car but it was paid for. She can't even go to church or the food pantry to work daily as she did.


Make extra monthly payments on mortgage. 

Add another 3 months of emergency savings (would bring us up to 6 months)

Have a regular mending day instead of the basket is over flowing day.

Frame a couple of the puzzles Hubby is putting together and hang them.

Eat healthier. More at home and homemade instead of take out.

Finish the 15 projects we have listed as most of the materials are here.

I have lost 30 lbs. with being ill. I will be doing a lot of sewing to adjust what clothes I have to have clothes fit as I do not plan to gain all of it back.


I would like a small green house Tall enough for me to WALK in but not huge. N who we bought the house from said to get a green house over a high tunnel or we would be replacing the cover every other year. His mother backed that unless I was going to make it 8 ft by 8 ft by 8 ft, then the high tunnel would be fine but I would need a darkening cloth to put over it during summer or the plants would burn. 

I need new strawberries to start 6 new beds. Mine got the blight.

I need to replace 1 elderberry bush, 2 roses and 3 peonies. 

I want to add sunflowers, tulips and daffodils and move the tiger lilies from the pot to either by the house or along the fence line. I need to move the daylilies out of the mint patch..

I plan to grow my own sweet potato slips. Mrs. Mast gave me two sweet potatoes when she heard I was going to grow my own slips. Said they were the perfect size. About the size of my hand. She didn't want anything for them. I think it's because when her dad broke his leg, Hubby was the one that went and got the horses from the woods and trailered them home.  

I plan to start my own tomato, bell pepper, Brussel sprouts and cabbage plants. I might add broccoli to that.

I plan to extend the harvest from early spring to late fall or even Jan with January king cabbage.

I want a better routine for cleaning the home, a day for baking and the mending.

Daughter 2 gave me her routine and it's based on what day trash is collected. So she adjusted it for my trash day. The only issues is she has 1/3rd of the home I do and it takes her 2 days PLUS she mops (OCD) her wood floors twice a week. I am not mopping my wood floors, 2/3rd of house are wood floors, twice a week LOL. I am not sure I want to spend 6 days a week either. BUT then I do NOT have OCD. I have two that it was nothing to find them on their hands and knees with a toothbrush scrubbing the baseboards. 

I want to only do one major shopping a month with quick run for milk two weeks later. I also want to start buying our meat from the butcher shop as I am tired of the recalls. I would rather pay a higher price, support local farmers and the local owner and know that if there is a "recall" I will get a phone call  instead of wondering if the meat I repackaged for the freezer is in that recall. 

Instead of  NO SPEND Jan. I will do a low spend Jan. 

Prayer for peace

Blessed Be


  1. So for Christmas I asked for a greenhouse. We decided we would get that more in the Spring because right now we are sunk up in my mud and pretty soon it will be snowing so we would not be able to haul it. I just want a small one so I found that for a good price at Harbor Freight. Can't wait till Spring. Also, we have mustard greens out there that are still good but we would sink up if we tried to harvest them! crazy weather.

    1. E said his horses got stuck with the wagon back in his woods. He was thankful it wasn't full of wood for the stoves.

  2. My question is, 'Why didn't the widow sell the paid off car to pay off the other one rather than drive one she hates?' And she could sell the one she has to get another one she likes. This is not set in stone. Where in the world is common sense these days!

    1. I think because of the debt they were carrying (he had 7 cancers and had fought it for 13 yrs). I do know she showed E that she did not have enough money to cover the household bills until she got his life insurance money. A lot of people don't look to see what they will be living on if the other spouse dies.
