Friday, January 31, 2025

I think it came from FB but so fitting for me in the garden.


I think I even have a hat like that. LOL

I have listed all my seeds... by color, with each color on a different notebook paper, since we want to make sure we are eating our colors of fruit and veggies... white is a struggle as Hubby's parents didn't eat potatoes and mine ate them 3 times a day EVERY day. I added more white and purple colored veggies. I also added more flowers as two of the Daughters decided they wanted some that no one grows around here or where they are. 

I ordered (on sale) which meant I had to hunt around several sites to get the best price. I paid NO shipping and the least savings was 10%. I increased the order amount as Hubby felt things were going to head like pandemic did with the grocery stores. Reimer seeds are from Mexico. Several Amish are worried about not getting medical treatment as they do not have photo ids.

I brought all the stuff... grow cart, potting soil, seed starting soil etc into the house. Check fertilizer, blossom rot spray, innoculate etc that I will also need. Should be set.

We promised to bring the garden beds we are giving to the one daughter with in 2 wks as she wants to figure out where to put them etc. 

Hubby needs to finish getting the purple martin house fixed so he can finish putting the rest of the metal beds together.He does that in the barn so he doesn't get so cold or rained on.

Kind of feel like I am spinning wheels during Feb. But I know if I start planting in the grow cart and it stays cold until April (been there and done that) it will hurt my plants to plant too soon or too late.


  1. I'm missing our homegrown lettuce for sure! (Hawaii Planner)

  2. It's all I can do to wait till March to start my plants ...the struggle is real!
