Last week I spent $43.36 and it was on non-food only not even a gal of milk. :)
This week I spent $54.70 on food. Bought milk, half and half, coffee beans, baking potatoes,apples,2 juices, 4 dozen eggs,and a loaf of sliced white bread.
That brings the total so far to $98.06 leaving $251.94 out of the $350. budget I set for this month.
I have realized that Hubby and I are not on the same page of what to do with the leftovers or other items that need ate with in a few days.
I usually put these type of items in the frig in the kitchen, the one that has the water pitcher and milk so during the day I see them and figure out how to serve them.
Hubby put them in the white frig as there was more room...and I didn't notice it or more I didn't pay attention so we lost a couple things :( I figured out it came to about $5 but still that is the same as pouring 2 gals of milk down the drain.
So we talked about figuring out where the items go, and to list them on the menu immediately or put them in the freezer.
I am looking at how to organize the frigs better also.
Other good news is we didn't eat out at all but boy did I want to with the appts and game during the week
Hubby and Pat might today grab a sandwich because they are working the parade in town this morning and I did make sure both had a good breakfast and then going to a HAM radio thing this afternoon. I know they will have hotdogs and brats at the HAM radio thing because our friend told me that he was grilling them for the group but it might be more of a dinner thing than a lunch thing.
All week our dinners average $2-$4 per meal (3 ,might as well say adults as Pat eats as much as I do and I am not a small eater, and then we pack Hubby's lunch for workout of dinner)...not per serving. The main part of the meal is out of our garden or friends gardens that was given to us free. Meat has been more of a condiment than the main course but with us eating protein through the day I don't worry about that being low at dinner.
I baked bread today using a different recipe. Cheaper 18 ¢ per loaf compared to my 32¢ per loaf recipe. I spent $16.83 a month for the last 4 months to buy just bread. That is way too much on something I can make that is just as good if not better.
This coming week is going to be a rough one. We have an appt or a soccer game right at dinner time 4 nights this week. Pat eats early on game nights so he doesn't get tummy cramps during the game.So those nights need to be something he can eat before the game and Hubby and I can eat after the game.
I am thinking of the following:
Sunday is left over pizza or baked potatoes and corn on the cob. We have a reunion that day and we will pig out there.
Monday: spaghetti and meatballs (the "boys' favorite) salad with lots of veggies, home made bread and mandarin oranges
Tuesday: Chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries, corn on the cob, carrots and dip and apple slices
Wednesday: beef roast with root veggies,home made bread, cobbler or crisp depending on what fruit needs used up.
Thursday: beef in homemade noodles, mashed potatoes, coleslaw or veggie salad (depending on what needs used up) and some kind of fruit...depending on what needs used up.
Friday is still open...maybe leftovers if there is any or a breakfast for dinner.
Saturday will depend on whether my son and his family can come up or not.
Blessed be
From My Home to Yours: 3/7/25
From My Home to Yours3/7/25~ join us for a morning in the kitchen ~One
morning this week I was in the kitchen for the purpose of trying out a new
to me g...
4 days ago
Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you're doing pretty well, but I sure hear ya on the temptation to eat out...