FOR the gardens:
start sweet potato slips
start forcing paper whites and amaryllis.
plan/plot what to plant where this spring/summer/fall
check seeds and decide on what plants
use declutter 365 starting in kitchen.(Home storage solutions 101)
set a home blessing routine...reflect that it will have to float some due to health and doctor appts.
work on time management issues ...I am horrible with time mgt.
keep mending current (not a basket at a time)
make an afghan for great grandson
make new aprons for myself
set up/organize the sewing/craft room and remove things that should not be in that room. I'm having trouble deciding what will work and what won't in sitting the room up as it is a small room and there is no heat in that room without a heater being brought in to it.
rebuild the savings as we are FINALLY out of the Ch 13 bankruptucy (slow pay) and are no longer limited on saving.
purchase a 2nd dehydrator
continue to pay off loans...we paid off 2 last year and have 3 left. Time frame is set for 4 yrs but I would like to get that done in less....
Have money for Christmas already set aside by Oct 1st.
Keep Crohn's flare ups down by watching diet, eating smaller meals and more often and exercising.Hopefully the new meds with allow me to go into remission and come off meds completely for awhile. Walking with the dogs here at home at least 3 times a day even when cold (BURRRR) and going to the wellness center (5 miles away) to attend classes for free connected to Hubby's work. I've just been lazy about going. I have a girlfriend that is willing to do some classes with me and my doctor has "ordered" me to start lifting weights to rebuild my strength and bones.
I need to shine my sink(Wash dishes) twice a day...
I am doing the pantry challenge with Goodcheapeats this month. Our pantry is out of control as you will notice if you are reading my blog. My goal is to have the pantry cleared down so this late summer and early fall I have room for NEW food.It won't be empty but I would like to have it down about half.
I also want to go back to baking my own breads
I NEED to finish taking out the preservatives in my diet
I need to have the kitchen set up to be able to process the food coming in faster so it's not just sitting.
From My Home to Yours: 3/14/25
From My Home to Yours3/14/25~ a week of making everything count ~On Monday
I cleaned out the refrigerator of leftovers. I found about a half cup of
11 hours ago
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