Son2 sent this to me as he was eating it in a motel restuarant ... wanted to know what it cost to fix it at home. I ball parked the apple kale slaw at $1.50 and the eggs benedict around $2. Asked why... they were charging $12.99. with a coffee.I told him they were really charging him for the glass plate he was eating on... He wasn't the one paying for it and he thinks he might try to make it at home for dinner as that was when he was eating it there.
Baby is a 7 cubic ft chest deep freezer
Newbie is 17 cubic ft chest deep freezer
Monty is 27 cubic ft chest deep freezer (Montgomery Ward)
That's so you know what freezer I am talking about.
I cleaned out the second frig freezer and can say it doesn't do me any good to cook and put in freezer if I don't put it in vacuum bags.Things that got shoved on bottom and in back were freezer burnt pretty bad. It's the "odds and ends freezer". So when I transferred what was left to the new frig freezer. I limited it to meat that was going to be ate in next 2 weeks (unless I want beef and that's in Monty). I have my nuts and seeds, cheese and butter now in the freezer of the 2nd frig. Was given 18 lbs of assorted cheeses and 30 lbs of butter from a friend that we have helped with food off and on.
Cleaned more of Baby. This one shows what I was eating until I ended up in hospital 3 times in 1 yrs and then not much has been eaten out of it . Tossed all the( 32 bags) corn that was frozen in 4 cup servings (we had 3 in the house at that time) that was now freezer burnt.This coming fall it will be put in 1 cup servings and vacuumed bags.Tossed out ham fat, chicken fat, and some bags that I couldn't read the date or the writing of what it was.Found smoked sausage, the last of the peas and peas and carrots. That should have been put in Newbie(my fruit/veggie/ dessert freezer) Smoked sausage went in the kitchen frig freezer.
I cleared the north strawberry sq foot , saving the straw (in a box Son2 gave me) for 209 gardens/compost. This week is to be in the high 50s-low 60s and nothing in the lows to freeze the plants.
I stayed out of the grocery stores, I stayed out of Menards etc stores. I did shop online at Walmart as our printer died and I have no more ink for it anyways. Microwave is barely workingis making a grinding noise and now taking 2 min to heat up coffee and the toaster just went on the blink and is burning everything... got what we needed and on sale with ship to store so no shipping costs and to all be picked up together.
I car pooled with my girlfriend to go to her soon to be daughter-in-law's bridal shower. Had a great time and good food while learning some of the young lady's past.
We ate dinner at my girlfriend's as she was suppose to have family from out of state stay with them after the shower but they got sick and didn't come at all so they had extra food. They are remodeling their house and was showing me the bathroom they got finished... the flooring was EXACTLY what I have been hunting for.BETTER yet, their bathroom is close to the shade that will be in our wheelchair bathroom so I could see how well the wall color and the flooring went together. ALSO Son2 offered to buy it for us so he can use his discount as a gift for our new home.
Head contractor needs to meet with us to go over some details as a few things got changed (again, some more what ever LOL, got to keep the humor there) and it worked out that we all are free on the same day and NO one had to change anything to meet at the house and we were going to be there anyways working on putting the new doors on and the gardens.
Our French doors are in so we have to pick them up and take them to 209 along with the cook stove that came in and hadn't been taken over yet.
We found an used 500 gal fuel tank, didn't really need that big but the smaller ones were running higher. We need one for the fuel for the tractor as I don't want to cart 50 gal of fuel in my car or have several sitting around the barn for when we need it. Not driving the tractor to town to get fuel LOL.
I am relearning to turn the water off when brushing my teeth, while soaping my hands, saving the water from washing produce etc.... Even though I won't be paying for water and sewage, I do pay for the electric.I don't know how good our well is as there is several other Englisher houses in that area that would be using the same underground water supply. The river is 2 miles from us (we are not in flood zone and are up on a knoll) so we should have good supply.
I organized my seeds by planting time. cold that frost does not affect, cool that frost does affect and summer. Checked what I was low on as I am hoping to plant a fall garden and will need to start seed for that garden as I know that noone in that area sells plants for fall planting.
We checked out the produce auction Friday... not many plants yet and we could tell there price was going to be high as there was more people than plants. So we will check back on Tuesday to see if it's any better. Left empty handed.
This coming weekend is our local community garage sale. I have a list... winter curtains.... small side tables for beds...maybe wood or something I can turn into closets or storage for basement or barn. Railing for the basement outside ramp and the front porches.
Blessed Be
From My Home to Yours: 3/14/25
From My Home to Yours3/14/25~ a week of making everything count ~On Monday
I cleaned out the refrigerator of leftovers. I found about a half cup of
1 day ago
Hmm, have you ever done the math on all those freezers to see if you are actually coming out ahead with all that electricity use? There are only two of you. Maybe just keep the one large one?
ReplyDeleteActually we have, we know what all our appliances are costing us to run.Our electric water heater is the biggest hog we have which is why we went instant ready gas water heater on 209. Another is a kitchen light that is old tube lighting and it the only light in the kitchen that is dark even on a sunny day along with a water pump that not only supplies us but a herd of cattle that isn't ours. We used a meter that told us what each thing uses.
DeleteWe buy our main meat in the fall. When the farmers around us send their animals to market for butchering.I did have to buy more meat at sales this year due to the cattle getting pneumonia last year and losing several in this area.
I garden (farm according to others) to provide veggies for at least 18 mos. That's 1620 cups of veggies in a freezer...that's only eating 3 servings a day each and we usually eat 5-7 and it's not including the fruit. I can what veggies do well in canning and freeze the others. One pig would fill up Baby... rule of thumb is 1 pig per person.1/4 of beef per person etc. Takes a lot of room but I save far more that what I spend in running the freezers and buying the supplies to can and freeze as I vacuum pack for the freezers and dry goods.
I will monitor Monty as he is the oldest and when he starts not being worth his cost of keeping I will get a different one. Surprising as long as I keep him full he uses less than Newbie